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Team Prodigy= World Finals Bassrace Champs!


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in the final round Mick Vs the Big Oki micks deck randomly turned off and the round just started he ended with a 151.1 to big okis 157.5

Happends to the best of us!

i had a kick ass time out there i got to hang out with tons of people and learn some new stuff i hope every body made it home safe i got my car back home there was tons of cool people out there had a greate time next year peace

B slap yo mama twice

Team Bassick Nyman

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Winning in the USA does not qualify you as a world champ. Big oki beat him with a 157 to his 151.

He maybe the US champ, but not World Champ you speak of..

6:11:26 PM - Bass Race Final Elimination Round - 150.0 To 159.9 - Steve Mick 151.4 dB

6:11:26 PM - Bass Race Final Elimination Round - 150.0 To 159.9 - Michael Mueller 157.8 dB

2009 159.9 World Champ Big Oki

this is old news but I need to make sure this is known. Not trying to take anything away from the big oki because he's a way cool dude but

"Competitors may use the program material of their choice while competing.

Additional Guidelines:

* The program material being played must originate from a source unit that is specifically designed for installation and operation in a 12-Volt auto sound environment. This includes cassette decks, CD players and changers, DVD players and changers, VCR's and VCP's, MP3 units, AM / FM / Satellite radio tuners, and any other playback device that is specifically designed for installation and operation in a 12-Volt auto sound environment.

* The program material must consist of music. No "test tones" are permitted. Test tones "camoflaged" as music or "songs" that are advertised as music but are, in fact, test tones will not be permitted in competition.

* The program media may be from a commercial source (such as a CD you purchase) or a custom, homemade recording."

Now watch and listen to his run:

Watch the spectrometer it never changes for the entire run. also you can hear its a solid 30 second note with no music nor does it sweep or fluctuate at all. Pretty sure that constitutes as a test tone. which would mean that Oki got to the final round by using an illegal track and the judges just let slip on by. I don't care what country you live in rules are rules and that is cheating. So please make sure you know whats up before making what seemed to be (to me at least) a smug comment about my friend and team mate. Yes he is the Current U.S. 59.9 bassrace champ and that's no easy feat either. But if the rules were being enforced as they should have been, especially in the final world finals run, Steve would have got a re-run for equipment failure, Oki would've had to use a REAL SONG and Steve would be the 59.9 bassrace world champ. I'm sorry if this upsets or offends anyone I just want the truth to be known. Bad Judging won the 2009 159.9 Bassrace world title for the Big Oki and the youtube video tells the tale. and for anyone that thinks thats a real song being played give me and artist name and track name and if I find it to be true I'll remove this post no questions asked. Like I said its not meant to upset or offend anyone just stating facts.



2007 MECA AS2 World Champ 146.7 DB out of the trunk of a Civic!

2007 MECA AS2 Ohio State Champ 145.6 DB

2010 SBN DBDrag SS 1-2 2nd place 158.2 on 8000w.

2010 DBDrag SS 1-2 Northeast Regional Champ 161.1DB

2010 129.9 Bassrace Northeast Regional Champ

2010 DBDrag Points Race Top 10 *Currently 11th place*





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this is old news but I need to make sure this is known. Not trying to take anything away from the big oki because he's a way cool dude but

"Competitors may use the program material of their choice while competing.

Additional Guidelines:

* The program material being played must originate from a source unit that is specifically designed for installation and operation in a 12-Volt auto sound environment. This includes cassette decks, CD players and changers, DVD players and changers, VCR's and VCP's, MP3 units, AM / FM / Satellite radio tuners, and any other playback device that is specifically designed for installation and operation in a 12-Volt auto sound environment.

* The program material must consist of music. No "test tones" are permitted. Test tones "camoflaged" as music or "songs" that are advertised as music but are, in fact, test tones will not be permitted in competition.

* The program media may be from a commercial source (such as a CD you purchase) or a custom, homemade recording."

Now watch and listen to his run:

Watch the spectrometer it never changes for the entire run. also you can hear its a solid 30 second note with no music nor does it sweep or fluctuate at all. Pretty sure that constitutes as a test tone. which would mean that Oki got to the final round by using an illegal track and the judges just let slip on by. I don't care what country you live in rules are rules and that is cheating. So please make sure you know whats up before making what seemed to be (to me at least) a smug comment about my friend and team mate. Yes he is the Current U.S. 59.9 bassrace champ and that's no easy feat either. But if the rules were being enforced as they should have been, especially in the final world finals run, Steve would have got a re-run for equipment failure, Oki would've had to use a REAL SONG and Steve would be the 59.9 bassrace world champ. I'm sorry if this upsets or offends anyone I just want the truth to be known. Bad Judging won the 2009 159.9 Bassrace world title for the Big Oki and the youtube video tells the tale. and for anyone that thinks thats a real song being played give me and artist name and track name and if I find it to be true I'll remove this post no questions asked. Like I said its not meant to upset or offend anyone just stating facts.

Video doesn't lie and it does look suspicious.

I read that Team Prodgigy swept all four classes at their regional events this year. CONGRATUATLIONS on that as well.

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this is old news but I need to make sure this is known. Not trying to take anything away from the big oki because he's a way cool dude but

"Competitors may use the program material of their choice while competing.

Additional Guidelines:

* The program material being played must originate from a source unit that is specifically designed for installation and operation in a 12-Volt auto sound environment. This includes cassette decks, CD players and changers, DVD players and changers, VCR's and VCP's, MP3 units, AM / FM / Satellite radio tuners, and any other playback device that is specifically designed for installation and operation in a 12-Volt auto sound environment.

* The program material must consist of music. No "test tones" are permitted. Test tones "camoflaged" as music or "songs" that are advertised as music but are, in fact, test tones will not be permitted in competition.

* The program media may be from a commercial source (such as a CD you purchase) or a custom, homemade recording."

Now watch and listen to his run:

Watch the spectrometer it never changes for the entire run. also you can hear its a solid 30 second note with no music nor does it sweep or fluctuate at all. Pretty sure that constitutes as a test tone. which would mean that Oki got to the final round by using an illegal track and the judges just let slip on by. I don't care what country you live in rules are rules and that is cheating. So please make sure you know whats up before making what seemed to be (to me at least) a smug comment about my friend and team mate. Yes he is the Current U.S. 59.9 bassrace champ and that's no easy feat either. But if the rules were being enforced as they should have been, especially in the final world finals run, Steve would have got a re-run for equipment failure, Oki would've had to use a REAL SONG and Steve would be the 59.9 bassrace world champ. I'm sorry if this upsets or offends anyone I just want the truth to be known. Bad Judging won the 2009 159.9 Bassrace world title for the Big Oki and the youtube video tells the tale. and for anyone that thinks thats a real song being played give me and artist name and track name and if I find it to be true I'll remove this post no questions asked. Like I said its not meant to upset or offend anyone just stating facts.

a win is a win. i mean really dude has his own section on this website. he does some amazing things with builds. tell your teammate to suck up the loss. i sucked my splmax teamcup loss. you remember the loss where i got my points stripped with no explanation.

congrats big oki.

I Rock 4 Doors 4 More Whores!


my seller feedback http://www.stevemead...-mama-feedback/

more seller feedback http://www.stevemead...-slaps-yo-mama/

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  • 1 year later...

Well, its sad to read around in the SMD forum and find this kind of postings,

obviously never taken care of to bring to my attention like in other forums

regarding an issue what wasnt my fault. Believe me I had a hard time to clear

the things up and the stupid bashing from people what dont have a clue and

feel to have the right judging something by a video instead of standing right

beside it. Also hearing a tone from a totally clipping camera microphone,

filming in a crowd of people, from a few feet away.

Heck, I am feeling SICK again reading this and thank at least one guy who "trusts" me

that I am more honest to others than to my self. I could give a rats a$$ to clear all

that things up, but me stupid made extra setups for showing off with the exact same song

(what WAS showed to the judges and what WAS used in front of Waynes face at the Event

he attended when giving me the ring at the european spring break).

I even send Wayne the Soundfile to check it. Used that song for well over 2 years.

And well, to the non changing spectrometer: SCREEN FROZE! Believe it or not...

Happened a few times during that weekend and not just for me.

Its almost impossible (during to my tests and observations in the "field") to

hold the bar like shown in the video, not even with a straight sinewave.

Could have, would have, should have!

If you would have been there, right beside my car, and even asked

me to show you the track, you wouldnt have mave such a stupid comment!


And I COULD HAVE used such a stupid track like lil john to achieve

more than a needed number...FACT (but as I HATE this kind of music, I avoid

it wherever I can and do something different than all others)

So give me a final apologizing for that words!

I cannot observe all forums in the world, neither I have to defend

myself and spend so much time into that, just to clear things up.

This costs a lot of time and nerves. and I did it and at the event

everything is showed to judges and even to competitors what ask me

about the track. (Btw, its a track from MOTÖRHEAD and even a live recording)

Show me one guy who wins world finals in bass race with HEAVY METAL and

especially MOTÖRHEAD! (Sure, I used all my nice and expensive ZAPCO

stuff and Audio Control Epicenter to pimp the signal up to my needs,

but thats what good car audio components are for).

Most of the others, or even all, use that stupid electronic generated HIP HOP or RAP crap

what is closer to a sine wave than the MUSIC I use, made by REAL instruments

and of course modified and amplified by electronics.

And finally give it a rest, STFU and stop accusing me things!

Give me the credit I deserve and let me enjoy it. PERIOD!

Also not my fault that other competitors stuff shuts down.

And DONT THINK IT WAS EVERYTHING I gave. I even started over 1 second

later to be save. Not all the time you give full 100%.

If youre still not believing it or have the need to basjh me here:

Grab your balls and travel to good old Germany and I play the track for you in my car!

Heck am I angry right now seeing that BULLCRAP after a few years and after arguing

on Facebook, YouToube and some Forums and even checking everything with Wayne.

SHAME ON YOU! I dont care who you are, just shame on you!

Thats ONE reason I stopped competing, after competing in almost 800 shows

and well over 1300 competition format) participations from SQ to SPL...

I even had the chance to become two times world champion with my car this year.

But I am just tired of what would have come up then. Bass Race 159,9 was possible and

Extreme Old School. You dont believe that? I give a crap on that. I WAS there with my other

car and was below the stuff to run the event. But I had absolutely no motivation anymore.

I rather drive around with my car and show its abilities (now with less power but more "strength").

I still do shows as promotor and hope this kind of talk dont appear for other successful and HONEST people.

So I have A LOT of other inside infos what make me real mad, but I suck that up and keep it to myself

in the hope that the sport comes back to fun like it was. But since I do that, there are bad loosers

(nobody in particular now) or FANBOYS what take word on things they dont have a clue of.

It started back in 2001 when I visited the first world final. Speculation over speculatin and bashing...

And because I am an emotional guy, 1 bashing screws up 1000 compliments for me.


Its nice to support your team members, but dont accuse others of things they didnt do. Video dont lie...ha...

I make you any video you want and then its on you to tell me who lies...

I hope you get it now...If not, youre problem. I explained it again and have nothing more to say about it...


Michael tongue.gif

www.SQPL.de Rulez!

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After helping out with Finals this past year I can honestly say that there are a lot of bugs in doing the online competition format. it works correct about 75% of the time but, it is not accurate and the lag can very well screw someones run up, especially in Bass Race.

Sucks this thread had to come back up now but, I honestly feel Oki's frustration. No matter how long ago it was reading this would easily trigger anyones emotions of that time all over again. Just like hearing that song from you high school prom it just puts you back in that moment.

Sorry Oki........

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Thanks, I thought quite a time if I really will send that comment above.

And yes, there is a LOT of problems doing Bass Race over the internet.

We stayed up til 5 in the morning last world finals and TOTALLY exhausted

competitors had to do their runs then after almost beeing 24 hours in the facility

and doing a 2 day show. Needless to say that JUST we (stuff of around 8 people)

and some competitors (maybe 15?) where there from 1 in the morning til the last

run at about 5AM...the software...well, I am in contact with Wayne and I help keeping up

this formats over here, but I can say: The software gives us hard times giving that help...

I know I cannot programme it better, but I am the one who has to use it at shows

and it HAS to be more reliable. So we try to help ourselves. I mean, the TermLab is

still the best system, but its not without bugs...SURPRISE, thats news hu?


Michael tongue.gif

www.SQPL.de Rulez!

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I was behind the computer at the Lake Perris location this past finals and only heard about the hold up at the European venue. We had a fun time ourselves in the rain and hail during finals as our venue was outdoors and just our luck that there was a storm that weekend.

I am no computer software engineer but, I know with all of the technology that is available there should be a more seemless system. However, like everything else it will only cost $$$$ something I know Wayne and the competitors is not willing to pay for. As much as I love the TL it is rather Archaic.

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