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toothpaste(the all white stuff), or car wax. Or try saving it to your hard drive. If none of that works Rent the game at blockbuster and switch the disc's lol.

Not necessary. There are two very easy and cheap fixes to this and I don't see where anybody has mentioned them (although I only scanned it quickly).

One is the industrial type buffers they have at blockbuster. They are supposed to be very precise and much better than anything you buy for home use for $20. Try it, its only like $3

Another sure-fire way is to borrow or rent the game, install it on harddrive and then you only need to have the scratched disc inside to prove you still own the game. Very easy if you have the space.

But yes, also whoever said install it first is also a good idea to try (sometimes it works, rarely, but does).

Never move your Xbox while its spinning again, put in a safe place!

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