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Ever been pulled over/stopped by cops?

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No tickets yet and had my license for 1 1/2 years.

I started out being an advocate for driving the speed limit, and I still do in my families 94 f150. I love that car because it makes you feel real relaxed and fun to drive.

Got my Mustang and have almost been pulled over once. I know its not fast (still quick) but I feel like an idiot driving it in the slow lane at the speed limit.

First time I was coming around a corner and going somewhere near 65 (55 speed limit) in the slow lane, and there he sat, state trooper, v8 charger and all.

He blinked his lights to say that he was coming as I approached and I was just like, well fuck...He got behind me and I put on my blinker and pulled over. But, there was a girl from my school in her "sporty" looking civic right next to me in the fast lane, passing me. She just kept on driving, fast, and I think that the cop may have gone after her because she was just such a woman driver, and I did what I should have. She said it was 10 mph over and she got a ticket...which honestly was better because she is an stuck up cheerleader type girl and her parents probably patted her on the back and took her out shopping to help her forget about it.

I live right between a podunk crap hole town called Pittsboro and then the much more famous Chapel Hill. I go to school in pittsboro and there are so many cops out there it is not even funny, pass about 2 on the way to school every day. Its been in the newspaper lately about how the mayor wants the police to tone it down because the town is getting the rep of one big speed trap. Those cops, are dick faces. Especially because the road I drive to school on could easily be a 70mph speed limit and be safe.

But the Chapel Hill cops are fine, they tend to things that matter...rarely pass one of those guys in a speed trap, I think maybe one or two in my life. They do a lot of more city policing.

So I guess it is safe to say that I appreciate the police because besides driving fast I don't do anything wrong. I wish they would have the dogs out more often and do much more drug and alcohol policing. I do express extreme hatred for them on the account of when there are bullshit tickets, or speed traps. There is more important stuff to be doing that waiting for someone driving 10 mph over.

SUCCESS is a decision, NOT a dream. You have to name the price you are willing to pay to get it.

"You didn't have an ice pick on you? Amateur. " -- Wax from Fchat.

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Ouch were do I start: 146 in a 35, tint, noise violations, failure to use due regard, reckless driving, speeding, endangering a passenger, illegal lights, exhaust too loud, draging(many days in court for that one), failure to obey traffic signal, running stop sign x6 in the same parking lot all at the same time(I had to tinkle). Using adjustable suspension moving at more than 15mph. And the best of them all FELONY HABITUAL SPEEDING, but I have never had an accident that was my fault. I STILL HAVE MY LISCENSE but it has cost me dearly to keep them.record.jpg

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They might be "doing their job" and all that, but like somebody said earlier, a cop pulled him over to tell him that his flip out screen and lights under his dash were distracting (so? not against the law ..)

and when I got pulled over for "speeding" although I was only going about 30 in a 25 and he was going the opposite way (not even really the opposite way, he was on a different street that I just turned off of and he saw me when he went by my street) and he didn't have proof..AND it was christmas eve. Cops are douches.

In some states it is unlawful to have lights in the car that are bright enough to emanate from the vehicle or light up the interior of the car.

Well I have had a few run-ins....

When I was younger I got arrested for assault on a teacher and was released due to mental instability or some shit so I had anger management. Went to court again for assault and did more anger management...(patern?) Charges were filed against me for assault on a police officer but some how the papers got lost? the cop told me himself when I saw him again(he was really pissed) that I was not in jail but he was not going to file more paper work against me? weird... Once for 16-10-24 which is prevention of an officer to fulfill his lawful duties(some shit like that) but the cops made me write some long essay about it and come down to the police station and read it out loud to the chief and everyone else during the shift change... that was running from the cops by the way. I did not get caught but the other 3 people I was with did and one told them my name and called me and said the cop knows your name you need to come back... by that time I was 3 miles away damn near home!!!!!

speeding ticket 64 in a 45 which was either $398(I think) or 30 days in jail lol but I did 16 hours service

once for 39 in a 25mph school zone but got off with a warning

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From the time i was 17 until i was 20 I racked up a total of 14 tickets and 11 warnings.

4x For illegal exhaust

2x Fix it tickets

6x Illegal Ride Height( Modded Suspension)

2x Speeding (93 in a 65 in GA,78 in 65 in Va 20 mins from home on the way home from vacation)

4x Warning for Speeding

2x for illegal exhaust

5x Sound violation

** The only thing that kept me from losing my liscense was takin the Defensive Driving Course. 8hrs and 150 bucks later i still had my liscense.

***Dont even know how much i had to pay for my tickets. Knock on wood going on 3 yrs since last violation.

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1st ticket-76 in a 45 (i was doing 63ish cop was a douche)

2nd-careless (i pulled into a parking lot and crossed over a sidewalk. but this cop also gave his own wife a ticket when she was only doing 5 over)

3rd-5 over/exhaust (cop wasn't too terible)

multiple exhaust/tint tickets

pulled over too many times to remember

the worst part about my tickets is that they were all in december all the cops in our area slack all year round then make up for it all in one month by ticketing people for worse than they were doing

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