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ExpoSports box tuning calculator - want some input

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Hey ExpoSport, if you need any coding help, i'll be happy to provide : D

Btw, i like the second option better. But doing both is probably best, just use a little button to switch between the two?

Also a faq/tip thing is very very simple.

First, add the text file you created in notepad to the applications resources :

Project > *calcapp?* properties > resources > Add Resource > Add existing file > Faq/Tip text doc

then set the forms helpbutton option to true.

Now you add and edit this sub ''' Remember to change the main forms maximize and minimize box properties to false.

    Private Sub helpbuttonclick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles Me.HelpButtonClicked

       Dim Frm As New Form With {.Text = My.Application.Info.ProductName & "'s Faq/Tip", .Size = New Size(550, 650), _
       .FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle, .trash = Me.trash, _
       .MaximizeBox = False, .MinimizeBox = False, .StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen}

       Dim RTB_PlaceHolder As New TextBox With {.Multiline = True, .Dock = DockStyle.Fill, .ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Both}

       ''This is the part you edit.''
       ''Replace My.Resources.Test with My.Resources.***** what ever the name of your text document is.
       RTB_PlaceHolder.Text = My.Resources.test



   End Sub

This post is longer than i expected haha

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idk if it matters, but my ports in the middle bottom of box, sup up port back in the middle, and i know other people do that too, maybe you could add an option for that?

I think it differs then a ruglar side port, but maybe not

2002 ford explorer

200 amp rewound alt

single 18" Fi btl fully loaded

2 1750's

2 c&d tech 88amp/hr batts

2 ought wiring

cdt component set up front, cdt coaxials in back

Kenwood eXcelon KDC-X693

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The only change I would like to see is a number of sub thing that you just put how many subs you want and do like have a button for like a divider that way you have a little better cut sheets and like a cut sheet design..like on a blank background just lines on where to cut. If thats possible

number of subs wouldnt matter so much, as the number of dividers. but...if i did that, it'd be basically 2 or more boxes, which would change the variables all around for volume. and determining where the divider would be would be difficult. at that point i'd just design each box individually. the most you'd effect tuning would be a few tenths to 1 hz. at the most i'd imagine.

i own my own hosting(with unlimited bandwidth/space) i can let you upload files and i can install jDownloads which will let you see how many people have downloaded it....pm me if your interested, i can make your own branded page too. for free of course :D

thanks! i may do that. it's hosted on skydrive, and that link kyle showed me just redirects you to that page and shows. but i'll see how that works out first. :)

Hey ExpoSport, if you need any coding help, i'll be happy to provide : D

Btw, i like the second option better. But doing both is probably best, just use a little button to switch between the two?

Also a faq/tip thing is very very simple.

First, add the text file you created in notepad to the applications resources :

Project > *calcapp?* properties > resources > Add Resource > Add existing file > Faq/Tip text doc

then set the forms helpbutton option to true.

Now you add and edit this sub ''' Remember to change the main forms maximize and minimize box properties to false.

    Private Sub helpbuttonclick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles Me.HelpButtonClicked

       Dim Frm As New Form With {.Text = My.Application.Info.ProductName & "'s Faq/Tip", .Size = New Size(550, 650), _
       .FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle, .trash = Me.trash, _
       .MaximizeBox = False, .MinimizeBox = False, .StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen}

       Dim RTB_PlaceHolder As New TextBox With {.Multiline = True, .Dock = DockStyle.Fill, .ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Both}

       ''This is the part you edit.''
       ''Replace My.Resources.Test with My.Resources.***** what ever the name of your text document is.
       RTB_PlaceHolder.Text = My.Resources.test



   End Sub

This post is longer than i expected haha

you crazy coding son of a bitch! :) thanks for that. i may have questions still on the updater. but i'll PM you when i get to that part. looks like i got a nice lil chunk of coding added onto my plate lol

put a separate box for driver displacement and bracing displacement

and the external slot/aero port would be GREAT

i hate doing all that math when its external

got it boss ;)

idk if it matters, but my ports in the middle bottom of box, sup up port back in the middle, and i know other people do that too, maybe you could add an option for that?

I think it differs then a ruglar side port, but maybe not

it doesnt :) you'd just check the sub up check box. port automatically is calculated as port back. then put 1 in the # of common walls box.

thanks for the input so far :) looks like no one is interested in the basic calculator part. so i can cross that out at least :D

EDIT: oh yeah razor...i tried taking C/C++ next semester and i couldnt enroll for whatever reason. dno if VB counted as the basic class i needed or wtf ever. kinda pissed. but i got into java at least lol :P



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Can you make it so that you have the option of putting the port on the side or in the middle of the box. We tried to use it but the program requires us to figure it out ourselves. Please please make this. Otherwise superb work man!

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you can do that on this next one. 0 common walls is a square/rectangle port like meades, 1 common wall goes anywhere bascially with one box wall as a port. 2 common walls is calculated as a straight up and down port, like chodes (if the port was back). and 3 is calculated as a slot port on the side (or top or bottom depending how the dimensions are entered). is that what you're getting at?



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EDIT: oh yeah razor...i tried taking C/C++ next semester and i couldnt enroll for whatever reason. dno if VB counted as the basic class i needed or wtf ever. kinda pissed. but i got into java at least lol :P

I would surly NOT consider vb a basic needed class, C/C++ is 85% different, by that i mean they are both object oriented languages, However, Say you wanted to open a text resource in C++, it would look like :

       AnsiString      TestRes;
       TMemoryStream   *Stream;
       bool    TestLine;

       HRSRC   ResHandle;
       HGLOBAL MemHandle;
       void *ResPtr;
       int   ResSize;
       char  *lpName;

       ResHandle = FindResource(HInstance, "TEST", "TXT");
       if(ResHandle == NULL){return false;}
       MemHandle = LoadResource(HInstance, ResHandle);
       if(MemHandle == NULL){return false;}
       ResPtr = LockResource(MemHandle);
       if(ResPtr == NULL){return false;}
       ResSize = SizeofResource(HInstance, ResHandle);
       char *pszBuffer = new char[ResSize+1];
       memcpy(pszBuffer, ResPtr, ResSize);
       TestRes= pszBuffer;
       delete []pszBuffer;

As you can see, it's somewhat different, Anyone can correct me if they feel my code is wrong though :/ i've been spending most of my time with C#.

As for the updater, I'll be happy to help, seeing as it's my coding i should understand it haha, Also, have you thought about making the GUI a bit more... professional, IE vista stander-ed? I'm not saying it's ugly... i'm just saying there's always room for improvement, making it easier to use should be a high priority list item.

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yeah...i dno what they were sayin as far as enlisting goes. i'll figure somethin out :P

and yes...i would like to. i just have it a grey for right now just cuz it's easy to look at while i arrange everything. what did you have in mind? i'll send a PM



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