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Soundstream Scion build of awesomeness...is dead

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Well id just like to start out by saying thank you to all the people that have been answering all my noobish questions over the past month. Without you this would never got finished. :give_rose:

This is my first real build so bear with me if the way I lay this out mega sucks lol

I did everything on this build on my own. which i now know doing a build solo suuuuuuucks

Lets start off with the car. Its a 2009 Scion xD

This isnt mine but it looks just like this. Its snowing and nasty outside and I dont yall to see it looking so ugly haha


And now the star of the show!!!!!

2008 soundstream splx 12. 2ohm QVC's. took me like 40 mins to figure out how to wire it :censored:


Its has a stock battery and alt( :cray: ) But I do have my Big 3 done

Its a tiny alt but thats what ya get when ya have a tiny car :D


a little different angle




Ive dynamated a good section of the car. And took the plastic off the back hatch and got a whole bunch of the hatch.

Now its time see whats powering this beast!

Its a soundstream pca 1500d. since im taking the pictures off my phone they arent turning out that great and this amp is so shinney that you can hardly see it so ill get a pic from our handy dandy friend GOOGLE!!!


Im using 4 gauge. And im sure you have all seen that before so i wont bore you with those pictures haha

BOX TIME!!!!!!!

This is the area I am most proud of because this is the 2nd box ive ever build and it came out freaking awesome! And its mega custom considering its was a normal ol boring triangle box..... but now its a triangle box standing up with a LEG!!!!!


I think its freaking sweet and for my 2nd box you have to admit its pretty nice. Btw its 39 inches long. And to make all my cuts I use something that none of you can guess, a freaking rotozip. :01nocomment8so: It turns out making 39 inch long cuts and 37.5 inch cuts and all the other darn cuts I make its super mega hard when all you have is a zotozip. But its cut the hole for the sub perfectly hahaha and once my aero ports ( 3 4x18inch ports) come in monday or tuesday it will cut those hole perfectly too. Then Ill be the pround owner of a 2 cubic foot weird triangle box tuned to 36hz.

I test fitted the box before putting it together ( on the first box I didnt an lets just say I learned that a test fix is a much better idea then just jumping head first into putting the box together)


putting this long box together alone was not a fun task



starting to look like a box! Now it was time to cut the hole for my baby to have a new home


Took like 40 mins to get the circle just right and where I wanted it on the wood before I cut it. Everytime I thought it looked right i noticed something else wrong with its placement :fool:

this next part goes out to all you box builders.

If you wanna have a good laught check this out, its my 1st box


See all those screws? Ya thats how every side looked like. I kid you not I used a whole box of screws on a 2 cubic foot box.

I used this box for like 3 days then when I was least expecting it. BAM!!! the Subwoofer gods punished me for building such a poopie box and using my beloved Soundstream in it. I was driving around bumpin at like 1 am cause i had the next day off at work so I go to Mcsatans to get a soda cause all my tasty bass got me thirsty. So fast forward like 20 mins. I realized I hadnt listened to thow it up yet so i was like YYYEEAAAHHH. Once that song hit a certian note I choaked on my freakin soda and spit out a mouth full of soda..........on my RADIO!!!!!! 4jkcauzmoyicamh6ly8caki.jpg

But then I realized it was a sign to save up and buy a sweet new soundstream flip out radio ( it will be here monday or tuesday also so come wednesday you guys better be ready for a VIDEO)

R.I.P Scion radio


Saving for the xxx18, xxx15000d batterys alts mids highs blah blah blah

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I decided to be smart and recycle. How am I recycling you say? By using my old radios housing unit cause its super awesome and screws into metal brackets that are back inside the dash



hmmmm what next. By the way i really hope im not boring you guys too much. I know its not the normal hundred billion 18s ina a mega uber box but ya gotta start somewhere raight? Plus thats my next build. 2 SS xxx18s's and a xxx15000. Anywho back to the build

Oh yeah hers a fun fact! When trying to get a piece of MDF from lowes to you house dont use a scion xD. I had to have them put it in half and put the driver an passanger seat all the way up. i was drivin down the road with my seat allllll the ways forward with 2 huge pieces of wood in my car. I got some awesome looks :good:

Well since I dont have my ports or my new radio till monday or tuesday this is about all ive got toi show foir now. But ill with get a few videos up the DAY my radio gets here. Thanks for checking out my first real build and trust me this is the first of many!!! btw any input or anything that anyone has is MORE then appreciated.

Saving for the xxx18, xxx15000d batterys alts mids highs blah blah blah

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bigger pics?




deepsilencer, on 22 Aug 2011 - 17:32, said:

splzx3, on 22 Aug 2011 - 17:27, said:

i had my fun on one of his videos...till he blocked me then i got my mother into it lol after her he closed the comments xD

lol your mom is a G! good.gif

WTF, I never thought I'd have a conversation about cross dressers and trans-genders on a car audio forum.

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radio will be here wed so ill throw up a video thursday before work :) and here are some post build pics. now that i found my camera they arent stupid small lol.

even when its nasty out my car stays clean ;)



Its a triangle box that I added legs to so it could fire up =D

and those ports were just get get the hole cut for my aero ports that should be here any day now!!!!





Saving for the xxx18, xxx15000d batterys alts mids highs blah blah blah

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ya I was checking yours out earlier :) lol where your fuse hold is located is the same spot where I atted a toggle switch for my underglow. hold one a sec ill go take a pic. I also added an armrest in. i HATED not having one lol. It came outta an older taheo I think, I found it at work in the dumpster lol i for at a HUGE car dealership so I always find all kinds of cool stuff layin around

Saving for the xxx18, xxx15000d batterys alts mids highs blah blah blah

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