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Creepy Crawly Spider Stories

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They dont mess with you. What they do is attach themselves to camels stomachs and burrow into them, then live in there. I believe the camel eventually dies. Anyways if they see a shadow then RUN to it. Most people think that they are trying to attack them, but they are just trying to get outta the sun... They run so fast that it makes a "hissing" noise when they are going where ever, people are also afraid of this. Still I wouldnt want to be around one.



Solifugae are the subject of many myths and exaggerations about their size, speed, behavior, appetite, and lethality. They are not especially large, the biggest having a legspan of perhaps 12 cm. They are fast on land compared to other invertebrates, the fastest can run perhaps 10 miles per hour (16 km/h), nearly half as fast as the fastest human sprinter. Members of this order of Arachnida apparently have no venom, with the possible exception of one species in India (see below) and do not spin webs.

In the Middle East, it was once rumored among American and coalition military forces stationed there that Solifugae will feed on living human flesh. The story goes that the creature will inject some anaesthetizing venom into the exposed skin of its sleeping victim, then feed voraciously, leaving the victim to awaken with a gaping wound. Solifugae, however, do not produce such an anaesthetic, and they do not attack prey larger than themselves unless threatened. Other stories include tales of them leaping into the air, disemboweling camels, eerie hissing, screaming.

Due to their bizarre appearance many people are startled or even afraid of them. However, the greatest threat they pose to humans is their bite in self-defense when one tries to handle them. There is no chance of death directly caused by the bite, but, due to the strong muscles of their chelicerae, they can produce a proportionately large, ragged wound which is prone to infection. Some people keep them as housepets

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wow, I thought I had too much time on my hands. Good find!

Here's one bout a Wolf Spider.

he Goliath Bird Eating Spider (also called the Birdeater) (Theraphosa blondi) is an arachnid which belongs to the tarantula family, and is arguably the largest spider in the world. The spider was named by explorers from the Victorian era, who witnessed one eating a hummingbird and reported the sighting to the Western world.[1]

Native to the rain forest regions of northern South America, these spiders have up to a 30 centimetre (12 in) long leg span when fully extended and can weigh over 120 grams. Wild Goliath birdeaters are a deep burrowing species, found commonly in marshy or swampy areas. Goliath bird eaters usually live in burrows in the ground that they have either dug themselves or have been previously abandoned by rodents or other similar creatures.

Female birdeaters mature in 2.5-3 years and have an average life span of 6 to 14 years. Males die soon after maturity and have a lifespan of 3 to 6 years. Colours range from dark to light brown with faint markings on the legs. Birdeaters have hair on their bodies, abdomens, and legs. The female lays anywhere from 100 to 400 eggs, which hatch into spiderlings within two months.

Male birdeaters are one of the few tarantula species to lack tibial spurs, located on the first pair of legs of most adult male tarantula species. These spurs are used by other tarantulas to keep the fangs of the female immobilized during mating so the female doesn't eat the male.

The Goliath birdeater is fairly harmless to humans, as are most species of tarantulas. Like all tarantulas, it has fangs large enough to break the skin of a human (1-2.5 cm). They do carry venom in their fangs and have been known to bite humans when threatened, but the venom is relatively harmless and just causes swelling and mild pain for a few hours (like a wasp sting). Tarantula bites to humans are usually in self-defense and do not always contain spider venom - what is known as a "dry bite". The goliath spider also does not have very good eyesight and mainly relies on vibrations in the ground that they can sense from their burrows in the ground.

Birdeaters are defensive and may make a hissing noise when disturbed. This noise is called stridulation, and is produced when the spider rubs the bristles on its legs together. Birdeaters can defend themselves by biting or by kicking urticating hair towards their perceived assailant. These hairs can be severely irritating to the skin and lungs, and have been reported to feel like shards of fiberglass.

Despite its name, the Goliath birdeater does not normally eat birds. Rather, it eats mostly invertebrates such as crickets, mealworms and moths, and also small vertebrates such as frogs, mice, and lizards. The Goliath birdeater is one of the few tarantulas which can capture and eat a full-grown mouse.

Fear The Quack!


Shot at 2007-08-19

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Yea...back in high school I was on this field trip wit my class. I was taking picture of my friend Mary...MJ for short...and this spider came out of no where and bit me on the hand! I was a lil sick after that but after a while I started to get super strength and now I can spin webs. I'm pretty much a super hero around my city.

/True story

Truth...my girl used to have these big ass spiders in her basement. I don't know what they were but they were about the size of my palm. I don't know what type of spiders are common in Illinois but that was the first time I have seen anything that big in person that wasn't a tarantula. We were chilling in her basement one day and I see one of these eight legged rats crawling on the wall. Me being a bitch with spiders, I told her lets go back upstairs. Well, there was another one by the stairs going up so I pretty much stood in the VERY middle of the room throwing shoes at it til I hit it. I don't go in her basement anymore.

Spiders can drown in dog diarrhea!

1998 Toyota Camry XLE V6Goldwood GW-S650/4 6.5sEA 200a alt2009 Lancer GTSStock jtte2o.gif

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fuck spiders. i hate em. i dont usually see as many around here anymore but when i first moved to nc there were wolf spiders everywhere and for those of u who dont know them bitches get huge! i remember goin over to a friends house one day and there was one right by his doorknob about the size of the palm of ur hand. it scared the piss outta me cz i didnt notice it till i got right up to the door then i got a stick and handled that sum bitch lol.

The New - 2002 Acura Rsx (work in progress)Eclipse AVN7000Eclipse 4 Channel4 Polk Audio Db 6.5 (soon to be changed)T500.1Punch 3 15"- The (old) System - 94 GMC Sonoma Ext. CabH/U - Pioneer Avic D3Eclipse 4 Channel Amp2 MB Quart DUA 216 6.5 components2 Polk Momo 4x10s1 RF Power T5001bd2 RF P315D4's 5 cubes net @ 35hzPowermaster D1200 Battery

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Yea...back in high school I was on this field trip wit my class. I was taking picture of my friend Mary...MJ for short...and this spider came out of no where and bit me on the hand! I was a lil sick after that but after a while I started to get super strength and now I can spin webs. I'm pretty much a super hero around my city.

/True story

Truth...my girl used to have these big ass spiders in her basement. I don't know what they were but they were about the size of my palm. I don't know what type of spiders are common in Illinois but that was the first time I have seen anything that big in person that wasn't a tarantula. We were chilling in her basement one day and I see one of these eight legged rats crawling on the wall. Me being a bitch with spiders, I told her lets go back upstairs. Well, there was another one by the stairs going up so I pretty much stood in the VERY middle of the room throwing shoes at it til I hit it. I don't go in her basement anymore.

Spiders can drown in dog diarrhea!

haha oh shit. hey man when I get my new shit done i'll be sure to hitcha up n we'll see whos louder :) also theirs the sound off on August 26th see if u can go. And a car show on the 19th.

Fear The Quack!


Shot at 2007-08-19

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haha oh shit. hey man when I get my new shit done i'll be sure to hitcha up n we'll see whos louder :) also theirs the sound off on August 26th see if u can go. And a car show on the 19th.

I'm still waiting to get a new amp now then I'm getting a second BTL. I just got a new loaded BTL15 D1 so now I only got 1000w going to it but I'm get by...for now! I should be able to make it on the 19th but I doubt I'll make it to the sound off! I'll try tho!

1998 Toyota Camry XLE V6Goldwood GW-S650/4 6.5sEA 200a alt2009 Lancer GTSStock jtte2o.gif

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/True story

Truth...my girl used to have these big ass spiders in her basement. I don't know what they were but they were about the size of my palm. I don't know what type of spiders are common in Illinois but that was the first time I have seen anything that big in person that wasn't a tarantula. We were chilling in her basement one day and I see one of these eight legged rats crawling on the wall. Me being a bitch with spiders, I told her lets go back upstairs. Well, there was another one by the stairs going up so I pretty much stood in the VERY middle of the room throwing shoes at it til I hit it. I don't go in her basement anymore.

Spiders can drown in dog diarrhea!

hahahaha 8 legged rats...that's awesome.

my friend is scared of daddy long leggers or whatever. you can point to one and he's clear across the room. i love sending him pics of em to his phone



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hahahaha 8 legged rats...that's awesome.

my friend is scared of daddy long leggers or whatever. you can point to one and he's clear across the room. i love sending him pics of em to his phone

Ha thats how I am with spiders. I couldn't even look at the links in this thread cuz I was already starting to get paranoid just reading about it! Now it feels like shit is crawling on me

1998 Toyota Camry XLE V6Goldwood GW-S650/4 6.5sEA 200a alt2009 Lancer GTSStock jtte2o.gif

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Ha thats how I am with spiders. I couldn't even look at the links in this thread cuz I was already starting to get paranoid just reading about it! Now it feels like shit is crawling on me

that is 1 reason why I created this thread.

Fear The Quack!


Shot at 2007-08-19

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