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Everything posted by David

  1. that would be pretty darn good electrical system, I would say you should be good.
  2. 1) 8.1 will draw at least 680 amps of current, so imagine what 2 will pull. 16v would be Ideal for the amplifiers, its alot to think about.
  3. glad I could help. hope the big guy gets to feeling better. lmk if I can help out anymore David
  4. um excuse me? thats not cool, while the story is probably a littleto much for this area to be posted, by no means does that give you the right to say this. lets not let it happen again, next time will get you a vacation.
  5. ok bro do this. you need someone to help you, someone to hold the dog. a sterile latex glove some lube (ky jelly). going in the anus at 3 oclock and 9 oclock angles finding the round sac(gland) and squeezing them towards the outside, should be brown to black discharge. if red...infected, it could be horribly smelly. the discharge can shoot across the room, so use paper towels in front of the anus while you work the expression.
  6. my vet ast friend says if its red its probably infected anal gland, you can try to express it, but she recommends going to the vet especially if the gland is infected, waiting to see if she has a home remedy for you
  7. I have a call into my friend, soon as she calls me back I ll post up, what I learned. and no problem with the help, I love bullies, they are the greatest dogs on earth ( well I think so) he's a good looking bullie, id be proud to be his friend
  8. shoot away dude, my good friend is a vet asst, im sure i can help you get your answers, I also know a good deal about pits
  9. I dont care for the way they sound when there strapped on music, I wouldn't do it for music, I would only strap for burp applications but that's me and I'm very picky with my sound quality. I believe it sounds "muddy" when in a strapped application on music.
  10. yes it will help even with a stock alt think of the wire as a garden hose, the bigger it is the better the flow.
  11. yeah that happens every nite, its the back up of the forum database, nothing we can do to stop it if we want our back up.
  12. I would contact mechman for batts, and Id contact DC power direct for the alt, but that is what I would do, if your seriously interested in our amp you can call me @ 916 640 3830 or email us @ [email protected]
  13. there are more build houses then you could possible count. most people wont say who they use, I know we wont, it's just not good business practice IMO
  14. with the truck running at 2k rpms witha 225 amp alt and 2 d3100s you should be able to play for a long time, I cannot say exactly how long but id say for a few hours easy
  15. well Im abit Biased as I am co-owner of Diablo Audio Technologies But the 2500.1 is a great amp, it does abit over rated power(about 3200 to 3400 depending on electrical), has a 2 yr warranty, and they are just plain sexy.
  16. be ready for a mess bro, clean the floor real well with bleach to help keep parvo away. I just let her do her thing I just kept an eye on her and made sure she was ok, and cleaned up the mess afterwords. I would try and keep her indoors as much as possible.
  17. yeah I tired, lol u ripped me to shreads mang god damn I been trying to get back into it, time just isnt like it used to be
  18. Im kinda partial or biased , but I think you cant go wrong with a Diablo Audio Technologies 2500.1 for batts I reccomend the XS D3100 by powermaster For alts Id go with DC Power
  19. can u spend a lil more? no shipping charges since we are kinda local? lmk i can get u into a nice 4125
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