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Status Updates posted by dankmans-rb26

  1. 3am and we are still working on cars when I have to be to work by 7...

  2. About to go get white girl wasted!! Hope this idea pans out

    1. OrionStang


      You know what 'white girl' is, right?

      Be safe.

    2. MrSkippyJ


      Didn't he just bitch about women getting drunk and slutty?

    3. KillaCam


      He has also contracted an STD from himself.

  3. All I can say is my doctor better not put my ass back in that robot boot thing cuz I will not go to Auto Rama on crutches and in a whack ass boot not my idea of fun. It was bad enough being in Reno like that

  4. At the Kroc getting ready to put my speedo on and swim with Damian.

  5. Beach bound after physical therapy

  6. Being hungover and possibly re-breaking my foot today has sucked ass..

    1. KillaCam


      I really look forward to making fun of your future status updates.

  7. Bored A.F time to go find something to do.

  8. Bored as hell getting ready to hope on some mw3

  9. Can't sleep to busy thinking about seeing my mini me tomorrow...

  10. Can't wait tomorrow should be a good day getting my mini me finely after all the B.S that went down in court....

  11. Damn and I thought I couldn't feel any worse.. FML..

  12. Damn can't sleep and I have a doctors appointment @7 in Portland tomorrow

  13. Damn have to do a skype interview for the job in Guam this Sunday are time witch is Monday there time. Maybe I should just take the job and good change is well needed.

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      Your Facebook timeline has got to be about as depressing as the holocaust.

  14. Damn I need to get a little something going in the blazer for auto Rama it's just around the corner. Who has some cheap 12s?

  15. Damn there is some good in evil ppl. Satan is letting me have Damian for 2 weeks straight I wanna say she is doing it to be nice but in reality it came down to her not finding some one to pawn him off to so that she can go be a drunk for 2 weeks cuz of New Years and yes that still makes her a pos that shouldn't have her kids...

    1. Miguels


      she don't deserve the child.. many girls dont mature and like to party even when they have responsibilities

    2. MrSkippyJ


      so glad it's only girls who do that.

  16. Damn this paper work is a bitch to fill out!!

  17. Dear insomnia have I ever told you how much I love you and how much joy I get out of not being able to sleep...

  18. Feeling really good right about now!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Surprised you can type while your hands are full of cock.

    3. OrionStang


      There he is LOL

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      I was waiting for DJ to take this one, surprised he looked the other way.... SO HE COULD TAKE IT IN THE ASS.

      I need a beer.

  19. Fi sp4s are sold and now we are on to getting some of the sickest subs to ever hit Oregon b2 xc's hear we come.

  20. Finely got damian to play cars like we use to... :)

    1. KillaCam


      huh? o.O

      Seriously explain. I'm captivated.

  21. Fuck me running changed the o2 on the blazer and its running worse then ever. I guess I'll put the old one back in after I get out of p/t and head up to Scott Macrae/ Heather Macrae

  22. Fuck sense the union is taking there sweet ass time looks like I'm going back to bridge building in two weeks

  23. Fuck this being sick bullshit it's time to do some box building and audio installs..

  24. Getting damian ready then I'm off to Dallas.

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