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Everything posted by Godsmack

  1. WOW no body??? kinda surprised no one even emailed me an offer
  2. don't got the $$$ otherwise I'd be interested in the suburban..............but free bump
  3. i gotta quit too..............too fucking expensive.........but its too hard right now. Has been like that for the past like 6 mths
  4. I heard this before too............I done fucked up alot with my woman........we are trying to work it out, and we just gotta take it slow. One day at a time. And it really isn't helpful tha the military won't move you on a whim. J
  5. God i gotta pass this recipe around to some people i know..............I can see this turning real ugly real quick. Any charge for telling people how to get drunk quick?
  6. if this makes 20 gallons what the fuck did u mix it in?? Trash can?
  7. offers can be entertained. Will take pics upon request.
  8. The other thing is i believe the shirt is just sitting there. Put it in the door and close the door. It can help ALOT. Also try some other stuff besides Lil Wayne. Maybe get some bass mechanic
  9. Damn man.............sorry to hear this bro. Seems like everyone is have relationship issues. I know I made my mistakes with my woman. I am trying to win her back as we speak. While I didn't get sent this, at least she didn't send you this J
  10. Sold him my Crystals. Quick payment, excellent transaction. Does not get any easier than this, J
  11. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQwwVX4GbSw&hl=en"></param><embed'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQwwVX4GbSw&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQwwVX4GbSw&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Watch the video and some of the other's by GreenJelly333 he was the guitarist
  12. LOL fuckin a uncle fuckin a
  13. Hope it turns up with no bodies on it man.............sorry to hear of ur loss
  14. u need to write the males version of "let me smell yo dick"
  15. Never said it was undrivable.............its unibody so no frame I just don't wanna go through fixing the car.............just wanna get something else............I may fix it tho........nothing is certain. J
  16. yes fuck that. thats why its in this thread uncle. wow ur getting senile.
  17. can;t go over 450 miles on a 4 day weekend without a milage pass man.............now have i done it before? fuck yea. ain';t a soldier alive who hasn't. But they are crackin down on it more. Plus with my luck as of late, no milage pass and i'll get stuck. some tornado, storm, hurricane, gigantic fat chick who makes the plane unable to take off. Something
  18. can't put in for a milage pass for a bit so i can go see my brother and party with one hell of a good group of people FUCK DAT SHIT
  19. Okay it served me well on deployment, and has just sat since i been home. It has the 20 gig HDD wireless controller (i think I havew a second but not sure) Either way Guitar Hero 2 (with wired controller) Guitar Hero 3 Call of duty 4 Halo 2 and 3 Medal of Honor AIRBORNE Def Jam trash MLB 2k7 Crackdown and for the regular Xbox NHL 06 Marc Echo's getting up U'd need to download updates for these two games to work. Anyways pics can be taken upon request. Price.................Looking for 525 shipped in the lower 48.............offers but no trades J
  20. that is a fucking waste of my time...............and wiggles is right don't be surprised if ur ass gets rolled.
  21. WOW we play simple no bounces partners make both balls in one set, u get the balls back one re-rack per game 10 or 15 cups depending on host winner holds table first game the "king" or "queen" will start the games ball off the opponants into a cup is a 2 cup penalty hitting their cup with the ball as they are drinkin is a one cup penalty if they drop or spill the beer the game is over they must drink all remaining cups our games have gotten vilent
  22. dude..............last night was funny as fuck.................tonight could be better.............with pics of course
  23. 1) some of us aint got myspace so put them on photobucket 2) dude ur little quote on there basically says u eat shit. God u really are a fucking hoser
  24. I think i got the best idea of all QUIT CARING ABOUT THIS FUCKING WHORE!!!!! DUDE DO THE MATH SPRING BREAK + BOOZE + GUYS WHO PROLLY TAKE SHITS BIGGER THAN YOU = YOUR "GIRL" HAS BEEN AND PROLLY STILL IS FUCKING SOMEONE ELSE!!!!! Sorry for the caps but damn man. If she doin shit like this then she is a fucking smelly std ridden pirate hooker and u deserve better.
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