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Status Updates posted by Phaeton

  1. There is no replacement for displacement!

  2. The wings on my shoes shrunk and now the moths wont eat my kidneys! when i shake my state capitol it only yields three fairy napkins. My banana slippers are like water boats because when the moon winks sometimes it burns my hamster punches. AND THATS HOW YOU GET TO LLAMA SCHOOL!

    1. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      Waiter. I will have what he is having ...

  3. why do people get so chapped when others want to tune their shit at 7hz or just want to do hair tricks? is it a waste of time? yes.. but is it your money being wasted? no.... so why bitch about it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      I play whale calls and im tuned to 37 :)

    3. khinds94


      lmfao I bet 10 hz blows out candles a 20 ft from the window

    4. n8ball2013


      You know what the difference is Kevin?your van is loud. Not trying to show people how loud you are on the internet. Everyone wants flex and hair tricks so they can post to YouTube. And show how loud it is.

  4. Gonna start a build for my Cadillac once im done my gmc build

  5. Just finished my 6th order bandpass clam shell! sounds great.

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