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Ahmed Johnson

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Ahmed Johnson last won the day on February 8 2019

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About Ahmed Johnson

  • Birthday 08/27/1982

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  1. If I put my system in my insurance, how would I prove I had it without a receipt?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Miguels


      just so you know.. my brother got a $2500 kenwood deck installed at his house for a $500 deck that was stolen. it pays to have good insurance.. he had not receipt and if he did they would have gave him $500 but they gave him what was the insurance worth..

    3. FourRings


      its doable,take pics of everything installed and serial numbers and then find and print out 3 adds to show aprox retail cost of each amp,sub etc etc.Some companies may want more others less but either way it can be done without receipts but it takes work and lastly either your agent or a company rep will want to inspect the car too.If you have any problems you might have to find a new agent or company.

    4. Miguels


      they will send an agent to see the damages. my brother got more than what the gear was worth because he was paying extra fees on top of the regular insurance fees. they just came over to make sure there was a theft

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