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06RTCharger last won the day on June 9 2019

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  1. This is some BULLSHIT right here. Something always gotta fuckup when im tryna do something. I was cuttin out my speaker adapter, went to out in a router bit on my bosch router table for the FIRST TIME. And the shit dont fit, brandnew collet was fucked up and bent closed so the bit wouldnt fit without jamming it hard. Used a vise grip wrench to yank out the stuck collet(nut was already separated from the collet which isnt supposed to be). Then i use a needle nose pliers to stretch it back out to how it should be and....this


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    2. 06RTCharger


      Thanks man, yah i did order some earlier off amazon, i got prime so standard shipping was free. Wouldve cost an extra $20 to have it here by wednesday. But im only off today and tomarrow so doesnt matter as long as its here before my next day off next week. But i went and got a new router from lowes anyway so i can work on it tomarrow. I might just keep the router so i can have one i leave in my table and one i can keep as a plunge router for free handing. Tempted to just swap parts tho and return it lol.

    3. Kyblack76


      Fuck. Your just beginning the process and pissed off already.... you have a LONG way to go dude. Shit happens ALL through out it man. Smoke a bowl, grab a beer or whatever an relax,.. move forward. You never lose. You either win, or learn. Just keep on. 

    4. 06RTCharger


      i ended up buying a new router from lowes, swapped collets and worked on some shit yesturday. 

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