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Everything posted by 00_XJ

  1. Yeah, right now I'm using a canon ZR500 that I bought a couple years ago for like 250 so it's obviously not going to look like thehoe's videos. I just want to play around with effects and stuff and when I get it down I'll buy a better camera. If anyone knows where I can get these programs send me a PM, if you know what I mean
  2. You're actually the reason I want to start editing my video lol. I saw your videos and they look awesome and saw that you used Final Cut Studio, searched it, and found out it was Mac but I'm gonna look into Sony Vegas.
  3. I finally got around to ordering a USB cable for my video camera and got some videos I wanna play around with. I'm looking for a good video editing program (not something like windows movie maker or whatever), perferably free or cheap, and fairly easy to use. Anyone know of some?
  4. I'd leave it alone, If I were you I'd focus on staying sober and letting her focus on it too. Then worry about it. I'm a firm believer of "if it's meant to be, it'll happen". Plus think of all the money you'd save to spend on audioz instead of some girl your not sure about lol.
  5. :01nocomment8so: He's ignorant for posting this on youtube, there's someone out there that want's that money just as bad as him that can find him. He's seriously making a fool of himself. I wouldn't mind having that kind of money but to post it on the interenet is childish.
  6. It's hard to say without looking at it, more than likely it's nothing to worry about but to be sure I'd call them and ask them directly. I don't give out bank/card information out without verifying, I like my money.
  7. That's what I got in my box calculator, but if you are correct, then OP go for it.
  8. I'd get the Titan personally, but I'm a truck guy. Out of those listed I'd have to go with the Hemi.
  9. 3.4 cu/ft with two 4 inch ports at 15 inches long each, correct? I got 75 hertz....?
  10. I thought about that, but wasn't sure if it was necessary. Like I said this was my first time. Next time I pull the door panels off I'll use the rest on it though, thanks.
  11. As promised I took pictures while applying my sound deadner that Second Skin gave to me during their promotion. I put it in my 97 Ford Ranger...beater, daily driver, four wheeler hauler, basically a POS that I dog out. This will also double as my very slow build...think flying white sausage V.1 Just waiting on the funds, the economy is kicking my ass and my tuition went up this year so it'll definately be slow. Here we go They shipped it the same day I ordered it and it came in 3 days later and it even came with some extras. Drivers side door panel Panel off...I know my components are a mess. I'll clean it up when I get them on an amp. Old plastic crap off New SS on Passenger side panel off Stripped and SS put on At this point I still had 4 of the 8 sheets left so I applyed two to the back wall of the cab, I currently am without beat but when I did have it the back wall rattled like no other so I'm planning ahead . And still have two sheets to play with This was my first time dealing with sound deadner so don't be to harsh. This stuff is awesome. My doors sound like a vault door closing and my components definately sound a lot better. I will definately deal with SS again when I start my build and any other builds I do in the future, their product and customer service is unbeatable. Great company here, thanks SS again for the awesome deal.
  12. X2 and are they factory or aftermarket? Usually factory have a section on the switch for just fog lights. If they're aftermarket, toggle switch FTW.
  13. X2 on this, and I've never heard of anyone not getting financial aid with a disabled parents. I have friends that have a disabled parents and they get PAYED by the state 1200+ a semester from grants. But once again that's something you should talk to your financial advisor about.
  14. I like this Billet grille a whole lot better, that mesh grille just looks cheesy IMO. Just my 2 cents. Edit: I don't think you have to use the "ugly ass ford logo" either.
  15. So I've been wanting to learn how to play the acoustic guitar for years now, just never started and I regret it now. I played the drums for 3 years and can play bass if you give me tabs lol. I'm looking for a guitar to start with, around the 100 bucks range since I don't even know if I'll be sticking with it. Right now I'm looking at a few Epiphones because they're cheap and have good reviews but I have no clue about guitar brands. Anyone have any recomendations? Also, what the easiest way to go about learning to play? I took lessons to learn drums for a few months, but between school and work I don't have time for lessons anymore.
  16. With the front ends you posted I'd choose the Avalanche for sure, that grill on the F150 is gross. But I'd choose the F150 if both were stock. I own a chevy and a ford and both are damn good trucks so I'm not biased. I just hate the way Avalaches look stock.
  17. I'd say we could meet up but my trucks in the shop being repaired since I wrecked it last weekend after scrapin' lol. Hope you have fun man, it gets pretty lame around here, try to hit up some casinos in Biloxi or something.
  18. I live at home with my parents, I have no bills. I've already paid my truck off and my parents agreed to pay insurance and cell phone as long as I was in school. I work 30 hours a week, given I only make 8 bucks an hour, that goes a long way when you have no bills. I'm pretty set on having money to spend on NEEDS and rarely buy WANTS. If I want something I save up for it no matter how long it takes. IMHO I think I'm responsible enough to have one and don't see myself splurging on things I don't need. Tomorrow when I get off I'm gonna go talk to my aunt who works for the bank I use and see what their rates are. What are considered low rates on credit cards?
  19. I'm planning on just using it for gas and food once or twice a month like Ramen said. I'm pretty stingy with my money so I don't see me going off and buying more than I can afford with it. I really just want to keep my balance around 50 bucks a month and pay it off in full, that way I have some type of credit established when I get out of college. I'm pretty strict on myself about spending money only when I can afford it. I've already saved up enough for my college tuition for this year so I won't have to take out student loans.
  20. So I'm 18 and about to start college in the Fall and realized I should probably start establishing my credit. I work 30 hours a week and already have a debit card so I figured the best way to start is to get a credit card and basically use it for gas and food, etc like I do with my debit card then pay it off every month. I know I'm responsible enough to have one, I know I won't ever use it to buy something I don't have the cash for and I know I'll make the payments in full every month. What are some things I should look for when applying for a credit card? I know low interest rates and low yearly fees, but I don't know what "low" is when it comes to credit cards. I know it's easy to screw up your credit by not researching first so I need some tips and some good cards to look at.
  21. Me and a buddy went out the other day. We started at the creek near my house, fished it for an hour and I got 2 largemouths and he got one, all around 2 pounds. We decided to go to his sisters pond and first cast he threw his spinner bait out and as soon as it hit the water this largemouth hit it. Not sure how long it was but it weighed in right under 10.5 pounds. It's sitting in his freezer waiting to be brought to the taxidermy.
  22. Most of the time a starter won't just stop working, it usually starts dragging until eventually it can't turn the crank. It could be the solenoid since it's not clicking or anything but, since you said your dad wiggled some stuff around it's more than likely a cable. I would check your ground first and then positive and make sure the battery terminals are clean. I definately woulnd't pay to have it towed or pay a mechanic to check for a lose wire though. Just my 2 cents. Edit: Grammar Fail
  23. Ground Pounder taught little memphis right, OP if you haven't noticed he has his own section and is an amazing fabricator. Check it out some time I promise you'll learn a thing or two.
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