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Everything posted by 00_XJ

  1. Since we're on the topic, anyone know of some good ways to quit? I tried chewing on sunflower seeds whenever I wanted a dip, but eventually the stress of school and work got to me. I know thats a shitty excuse but when you're used to throwing one in when your stressed its hard.
  2. Ah, I also get about 4 or 5 a day, but obviously my dips are twice as big as yours lol.
  3. Please explain how dipping a can a day is bullshit? I'm not proud of it but I usually go through 6 or 7 cans a week. Trying to quit before I head to college though, gotta save my money.
  4. A can a day and I just turned 18 lol, Cope long or Red Seal Natural when I'm broke. I don't like none of that fruity flavor crap it makes me sick. Quiting is easy, I've done it a hundred times lol. *Edit: my grammar sucks
  5. McDouble- Only Mac Sauce, Lettuce, Pickle, Onion, Cheese- One dollar Big Mac right there just missing the middle bun I don't like them, but I work for Mickey Dee's and people order it all the time. Some managers charge extra, some don't. Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger from Wendy's FTMFW. I'm not a hefty fellow but I can eat 5 or 6 of those damn things.
  6. Street truck and mini truckin are two I pick up monthly but that's what I'm in to. So it just depends.
  7. I made a 22 all three times that I took it so I said fuck it. Still got a half paid scholarship for it.
  8. So what was it? If you don't mind me asking... I did alot better than I expected too but it still wasn't good lol.
  9. I don't know a lot of reputable shops that hire 17 year old installers off the street. Not saying it doesn't happen. I just don't know any. I'm 18 with connections and I still haven't been able to land a job installing. IMO your best bet will be to start installing stuff for your friends/family for a small charge and then when you get better. Throw an ad on craigslist, etc. for installing audio equipment. After you start making a name for your self, then try getting hired on at a shop.
  10. If you wanna stick with 2 BL's then either remove the back seat. OR blow through FTMFW
  11. IMO neither, but since you said don't worry about brands. Everyone that I know that owns/owned a dual had nothing but trouble with them. I'd say Jensen
  12. Yeah IIRC people that go through tolls alot buy a "fast pass" or something like that. They just pay once a year and just take the fast pass lane so they don't have to stop and pay.
  13. Only 1200 bucks and you haven't picked those bad boys up yet? You're crazy.
  14. I have 31's on my 2wd ranger, it rubs but you learn not to turn sharp lol. I'll be getting a leveling kit sometime soon. I would get a suspension lift but honestly, its a 2wd and the only time it see's off road is when I'm bringing my four wheeler somewhere.
  15. It's not always bad being Mr. Nice Guy. I would much rather have 1 friend that was always cool and I could depend on for advice than 40 friends that are dicks. As far as the girl thing goes, you really don't want a chick that is into assholes anyways. They probably don't have any respect for theirselves at all. Keep your head man. Things can only go up once they stoop so far down.
  16. Sorry for not clarifying, I saw that his truck had torsion bars and I was thinking about my truck. Thanks for the information.
  17. You gotta remember performance doesn't=cheap I'd start with some simple bolt-ons though, then maybe a chip, after that you're not going to get much for cheap
  18. I don't want to thread jack but it's on the topic I don't see any reason to post a new topic. But exactly how is a leveling kit installed? Is it just a spacer on the springs or something?
  19. Factory radios usually don't come with RCA jacks so you'll have to buy an adapter. You'll probably need to replace your battery under the hood and maybe a smaller one in the back, and the big 3 of course for 1500 watts, depending on your eletrical.
  20. I've never heard of gander mountain but I saw that there was one about 45 minutes from me. I'll have to go check it out sometime, I need some things for my bow.
  21. Lol I pulled out the ole Sega Genesis yesterday and played Sonic and Knuckles for about 4 hours straight. It's always fun kickin it old school every now and then.
  22. Best friend pulls a prank on me and I do the same for revenge and now he won't talk or even look at me...FUCK THAT FUCKIN HYPOCRITE
  23. Welcome to SMD. There are alot of sections but atleast you'll never get bored.
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