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Everything posted by BJD3

  1. BJD3 = Jealous. I played around with one yesterday. OMFG its awesome. If only Sprint's 3G coverage was better in my area...and the plan didn't cost double what I'm paying now.
  2. It isn't as "cool" as the iPad, but the Archos Home 7 Internet Tablet (or something like that. Plug it into Google and it will come up) runs Android and it costs like $199. But its a resistive screen.
  3. Off-Topic PLEASE tell me you know what thread your sig quote came from.
  4. The cop overreacted and should be penalized accordingly, but charges should also be brought upon the people throwing snowballs. It doesn't matter if it was a cop or a "regular person", assault is assault. EDIT: There is also a line that gets crossed far earlier when you are dealing with law enforcement. Something that you may get away with when dealing with a civilian won't fly when you do it with an officer.
  5. You can't afford "them bitches". EDIT: I expect a build thread with lots of pictures.
  6. Off-Topic--The only one out of that line up that I would take is the Mustang. And then I would bag it. IMO, big wheels only looks "right" if the vehicle is low. Like a bunch of these mini trucks you see where half the wheel is in the wheel well, IMO that's awesome. But I hate donks. With a passion that burns with the intensity of 1000 suns. EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying mini trucks are the only ones that look nice sitting on 2s and 4s, but the booger was the first thing that came to mind.
  7. I guess that settles the great break-in debate...
  8. I don't think he means $300 total, but instead $300 per.
  9. And that's what I get for half reading posts.
  10. 1) I'm likin the thread title. 2) According to their website, that amp is 1 ohm stable, so you should be able to wire the L7 down to 2 ohm and be fine.
  11. [youtube]muxK6DKcNtY[/youtube] [youtube]T0KDR9iwoBQ[/youtube] [youtube]FDh7eS_W3c8[/youtube] [youtube]muxK6DKcNtY[/youtube] [youtube]fRZ2W8wWUOo[/youtube] [youtube]o5mPBAp73tg[/youtube] Just copy and paste. You put just the video code (what comes after the equal sign) and slap the youtube tags around it.
  12. You embed like this: [youtube]fRZ2W8wWUOo[/youtube] I saw you had at the very least the embed from YouTube. If you weren't trying to embed the video, just disregard. I'll go watch your vids now. lol
  13. You mean like ones we did, or just ones on the internet. If its the last one, I have an oldie but goody:
  14. Is is just me or does exo, not have a video?
  15. Just an FYI, you won't be able to sell it here. Your post count isn't high enough. I'm assuming those are fiddens?
  16. Direct from HP. If they were just supposed to automatically send it, I wasn't notified, though I probably ordered my quite some time after she did.
  17. Have you tried using it on another dock? Could be a problem in the port. If I understand the ipod's port correctly, data like it gets from the computer and the audio it outputs travel on two different (for lack of a better word) pins.
  18. Big arse woofs. And 10s to boot? I wanna see this build.
  19. This post is long as hell, so I'll move the "tl;dr" up top. *I like Lappy. *HP's upgrade process sucks and requires you to copy down the Order Number. *You must use IE, and if you don't have access to IE, you're pretty much screwed. And here we go with the post: I just got it in this afternoon, and have been messing around with it tonight. So far so good. Build quality is slightly lower than I expected, but not ridiculously so. I'm liking the number pad on the side of the keyboard. I DO have the HDMI port. Overall I'm content with my purchase. My biggest gripe isn't with the computer itself but HPs Win 7 upgrade system. They are using a 3rd party to actually handle the requests. I'm not sure how other manufacturers are doing it, but I HATE this company. They are so ass backwards it isn't even funny. To order your kit (why not give the option to download and burn yourself?) you have to provide proof of purchase, which is understandable. You can either attach it with the order initially, come back later with the scanned copy and attach it through the pages you use to track your order, or fax it to them. I figured I'd just continue with the order and come back later with the copy since the computer attached to the scanner isn't currently connected to the internet, and it's easier to just let the page scan your computer to find you computer's information, the current OS version, model number, serial number, etc. I go through almost the entire process when it asked me to provide the scanned image. At this point figuring I had nothing to do, I decide to go through the entire process in one shot, and just move the picture with some form of removable media. Long story short, when I get back the system has timed me out and you have to re-login. So I think it's no problem, that all I would need is my email address, maybe some other easily memorable form of identification. Nope, they want the order number. So, I STILL think this is no problem. I'll just check my email. SURELY they've emailed the order info. No dice. So, I go back to the page to see if maybe I'd missed the link to retrieve order number or something along those lines. Outta luck. Seriously, you ACTUALLY expect people to remember/copy the order number? Even better is how you HAVE to use IE to access the site. If you don't you get a page informing you that you must use IE to go through the upgrade process. They continue to say that if you don't have access to IE, to contact them. Guess what happens when you click the "Contact Us" link? That's right, you guessed it! You get redirected to the EXACT SAME PAGE. How STUPID do you have to be to do something like that? My dad who is virtually clueless when it comes to anything remotely technical understood the problem immediately.
  20. I don't know if posting it here is the best of ideas...
  21. Yeah...stop waiting for it to download. It will take forever. Just leave it overnight, and when you come tomorrow morning, burn the .iso, and install. The actual install shouldn't take that long though. Should be around 30ish minutes (took about that long every time I installed the RC). As for 7 itself, I love it. It is EXTREMELY light. I had it running (however slowly) on an old low end P4 machine with like 512 megs of ram, and it would chug along. Just don't expect it to do more than be a file server though (which is what I was doing with it). The only reason it came down was because the PSU finally went to the big tech pile in the sky. But I'm WAAAY off topic.
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