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Everything posted by Bumpindemlowzz

  1. your the man gotz1 did you happen to get measurements lol. this is goin to be a pita to build
  2. i think i may have to do a regular slot ported enclosure because this would mean i would have to go above the tuning i want.
  3. you see the way the port bends thats the way i would like it. Im still a noob and dont know how to calculate the irregular port volume and make it difficult to determine tuning. I think its called a kerf but i want a larger one then pictured below. but of course port forward subforward . i can do regular enclosures just fine but this ones a little difficult
  4. why would you want stickers representing an item you dont have i dont get it lol.
  5. did you try emailing or calling the specific manufactorers for the decals? That would be where i would start
  6. what about 2 smaller batts on the sides of the box or in the spare tire well...
  7. Im going to try the 10k hids from ddm tuning a local has them and i dont think he has had any problems so far... if they are junk im only out 80 bucks
  8. nice make sure you do put up pics and videos. Where you going to put a battery in the rear?
  9. Just get the klmx and when you upgrade amps just make another run. We ran that wire for a while never had any problems with it except it kinda sucks when it gets cold out not very flexible when cold
  10. its better to wait and get good equipment then to get junky stuff. Just get one thing at a time and when you think you have everything fire it up. Like me for instance i just ordered another sundown 2000d so im gonna be running approx 4000-4500 watts im gonna have to wait till i have the batts to make sure i dont blow them up haha...
  11. for the money the audioque 3500 doesnt seem bad i have no experience with them tho. i heard they can be ran on a 16v charging system too for those competitors...
  12. i was looking at the new 2000d and it says it has a new heatsink will it work fine strapped with my normal 2000d that i bought on preorder? The newone also says it has 4 40amp internal fuses so do i also need an external 200a fuse like the older model.. nvm i called db-r and they explained it...
  13. thanks but how would i get the wire through the window to begin with? I think ill jsut go this route though so theres no problems
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