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Everything posted by Cr@sh

  1. You can use the industry standard of 15-17 cubic inches of port per cubic ft of box or this works well to: http://www.carstereo.com/help/Articles.cfm?id=31 I came up with 4cubic ft net enclosure tuned to 33hz with the port being 12" height/3"wide/15.75"long
  2. Keeping the gains low, classic
  3. I'm more of a disfunctional mind, but I have my moments!
  4. 350 shipped, much better quality http://www.audioque.com/aq/?page_id=28
  5. Indoors I wouldnt use anything less then this: http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1vZ1xr5...catalogId=10053 As for heat anything stated above will work fine.
  6. The Audioque 2200D is 350 shipped and you can buy it directly from them. There are several guys on here getting great numbers from this amp.
  7. Yep really looks good man, I love suede anyway especially in interiors. It's so expensive compared to other materials but when you get it right its awsome.
  8. Probably my favorite as well and the A6 intruder who the A10 replaced.
  9. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that even if we wanted to stop importing there goods we can't becuase we owe them money, when you owe someone money they call the shots, if not why havent we stopped importing there goods? And please don't give the whole it's the politicians fault at least if you do aknowledge that it's on both sides and not just say it's one sided becuase it's not. I agree with all of you but the facts are we owe them money and until we pay them they call the shots, you may not like that but it's true. I think like most of you said the best thing to do is stop buying there junk.
  10. Actually we owe them a couple trillion dollars, so yea they own us becuase we'll never be ever to pay them back. As for cars Honda forever.
  11. It's to general to ask such a thing. There are going to be alot different answer's as to what the best is. What you stated as far as equipment is great stuff. I don't know if you'll hit the 1500-2000 mark but if you find deals you should be able. The best way to start a SQ system is your foundation, the vehicle. I would sound deaden every inch of the car so that you have a solid platform in which to build a quality sound system on. If you take all that equipment and install it in a car that has a ton of road and other noise you might as well put it on a motorcycle.
  12. LMAO, Im gunna bass race with this!
  13. Definitely funny, but may his useless reform bill get voted down. Thank you and good night!
  14. I never understood the stance that Liberals have taken on guns. From my understanding they have always wanted to take away the rights for us to own them legally, the obvious and major problem is those who obtain them illegally will have the advantage everytime. I mean it's just common sense, why would anyone want to take away the rights of a person who goes thru all the legal steps to obtain, own and use guns for hunting and protection?
  15. Well with keepvid.com and aoa extractor you can get the audio and listen to it in your car.
  16. Yea that one was better ^^^ lol Auto-tuning for no reason is just hilarious
  17. Well I think anyone can make improvments but it would depend on who's point of view you take it from. I would say you could clean up the box and flush the subs and make things a little cleaner, but if your happy then that's all that matters.
  18. There should be a dimple on your firewall, accessable from either in car or engine compartment that you can drill thru safely. It's on the drivers side firewall near the mastercylinder (the fat round brake thingy)
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