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Everything posted by cracker

  1. can i do DanK? its just my name and last lame inital ha please.
  2. they do it to run 4 10s and end up at 2ohms and sell as that sub/box combo
  3. haha i was thinkin the table was kinda oval shaped lol guess i was wrong huh. i dont weigh much more than a pair of them lol
  4. much respect again mang. i like the dif beat too. NEED CURSING lol i kid i kid -DanK-
  5. ha hell yeah where you at? got dumped on up this way too(northern MN) only got a few pics of the snowman me and my lil man made though. shoveled 4 times today and twice yesterday lol
  6. def looks to be louder lol damn mang. he almost looked like he was gonna puke when you first turned it up high lol
  7. ha in Hibbing...still no snow. im gonna hit up a buddy donw in D and see whats up that way ha. i hope it snows then i can chill for a min lol kids can go play after they plow n what not hahaaa lol
  8. hell yeah i like that mang . ive been thinkin on trying a kerf ported box next summer but not sure id if i can learn enough by then lol
  9. man your on top for sure. sig in your headrests and on subs? yeah like psyph says "king of car audio" ha. much props man
  10. im still waiting for this shit. not too much at all up in Hibbing MN....but we get COLD as hell
  11. ....over 138.8? just playing mang ill watch it prob a few times just to check them things dance :hairtrick:
  12. oh shit lol but i bet your volume was at 3....mine was full tilt lol. im just messin around mang lol. but i have a noob ?, are these subs made for high excursion? why the need for that long of coil?
  13. hahaa i gotcha beat then lol no hair trick though
  14. ha yeah i hear ya accordman but its still kinda cool, unique for sure. i wonder how the rear drive swap on some sport compacts actually handle compaired to Front drive.
  15. haha i checked out the vid....ok not AS excitable as EXO gets but im sure its just cuz your a bit more humble..........but ya know you were screaming with excitment on the inside big homie
  16. congrats mang. bet ya proud of "your" subs :hairtrick: cant wait for new vids. how do they sound compaired to the BTLs?
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