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Everything posted by slugdub

  1. Anyone as interested in the Oscars this year as I am? Nominations are Feb 2nd and awards are March 7th. So far my favorite movies are Inglorious Basterds, Ponyo, The Hurt Locker, Up in the Air and Blind Side. I haven't seen Avatar, A Simple Man or Fantastic Mr Fox yet but I hear they are good too.
  2. This is where I got too... the rest seemed pretty much worthless info.. but is the answer ever this simple?
  3. You are probably joking but I like the Best Buy installers. They remembered me and my car like 2,3,4 years down the road and are great to have when you have to send in your Rockford or whatever and they do it all for you. In fact with my level of knowledge I wish I could have had Best Buy do my current setup, but not everything was available from them and so cheap. I can't mount amps to the back of a car seat for shit, it is not easy.
  4. This song reminds me of driving out to see family in Rice Lake, WI because out there the only thing you can listen to is Country.. it makes me feel sleepy. This music makes me sleep. Anyhow, I'm sure it was cute. Give the guy a break. Man I really do miss Dateline To Catch A Predator though...
  5. Seriously, somebody introduced me to some guy at the bar and he said he worked for best buy in the car audio department and jokingly I said "Hey, didn't you try and sell me bass blockers?" and he totally bought it was somewhat apologetic but more on the "in case you don't know how to run your stereo" close. I hate those clowns.
  6. This is a great idea. I love tricked out Hearses.. ever since Styles on Teen Wolf had one.
  7. I don't know but did you ever think about that part of the tent called a "boner?" What a weird thing to do, name a tent part after a character on Growing Pains.
  8. So nobody checked these out? I'm trying to get people on here to listen to something besides rap and... whatever Jock Jams and whatnot that we all know from wanting to hear bass... there is good stuff out there.
  9. Yep, it is a process like developing film. Movie studios don't want it to be easy to "back up" your own property. The guy above me may be right and that software might do it all but I think it costs money. So far I think everything I posted may be free or have some kind of trial.. otherwise I hope you know how to torrent. What makes DVD decrypter so popular is that it is easy and very simple and reliable. It also burns great.
  10. No you are right, you can't.. but you can get paid. I don't do it because it is fun and I get alot of ass. Well, not in the long run.
  11. I care because the only way, short of self defense, I am ever going to punch somebody in the face or use violence or do anything other than sit on the couch and be a lazy piece of shit... is when I encounter somebody being bullied or picked on. This includes people that are absent and not there to accept the abuse, I just happen to have a thing for the under dog and most minorities definately qualify as an underdog, especially the Jews because, while many are my friends they only make up about .02% of the world. If nobody sticks up for the underdog the world become shitty, fast.
  12. Dude, I don't think anyone is even remotely helping you here because iTunes (as far as I know) can do alot of things, but it cannot rip and format movies right from a DVD disc, last time I checked. Here is what I use: A software called DVD Decrypter to remove the data from the DVD (Also Slysoft's Any DvD running does not hurt, it bipasses and protections if you need to) http://www.dvddecrypter.org.uk/ Then software called Auto Gordian Knot (AutoGK) that will join together all those pieces of info you were talking about having (TOS and VOB and whatever they are called) into a nice, compact and decent quality AVI. http://www.autogk.me.uk/ If you want to go a step further (which I recommend highly) because it is iPod you can use software called Super (AVS Converter): http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html It works great for making stuff even smaller for phones and iPods because a full AVI is a waste of space on a tiny screen (plus some phones like different shaped video).
  13. Camera? Oh backing up camera, I was like "Why does it need a backup camera isn't one good enough?"
  14. Probably not a good idea unless you give your keys to someone else. Not sure about Cali laws but in WI and MN (I think) it is a DUI if you have your keys on you.
  15. I never have felt an earthquake (although they are always going on I'm told even in the Midwest) except for maybe feeling the toilet bowl shake a bit on my ass. I swear I can imagine what it is like though. It must just be this helpless "little" feeling while the earth just moves beneath you.
  16. This thread is depressing. Oh well, I hope you had a fun night partying though. Maybe that makes it somehow worth it?
  17. well the cool thing about music I had in one of my videos (luckily only the one) was flagged but instead of silencing it they added an iTunes store link, which is smart. I didn't even think the song was still owned by anyone, it is like an 80 year old recording of God Bless America.
  18. Wait. I think it is the partnership that you want not the adsense crap, I forget all the terms. [edit] dang, my second application is still "being processed" after a month or more. Fuck this.
  19. Man, what you want to get is adsense or where they put ads on your video. that is where the real money is. I applied and was denied a few months back and now get these revinue sharing emails taunting me all the time. I too experience the frustration when I went to sign up because it ended up making me create a new gmail account and everything just to apply for this "sharing" bullshit. Now I have no clue where everything is and what is going on, I swear it said I was going to start getting ads on my video but nope, nothing happens. It tells you to beware because if you are refused they'll delete your video and all this crap (which in my case would suck, I'd lose millions of views).
  20. Hehe, thanks. I think their is a date on them. Shit is Jordanian viagra so a bit hard to read the box (my arabic is at about a kindergarten level). Man, I need to use some of this up soon then. I'm tellin ya, the stuff is fun and worth trying. Some people seem to 'proud' to admit using it, at least until they are old, but it does wonders really. You gotta be careful though, I think if you mix it with other drugs (Nitrous comes to mind) you can like die and shit, so I don't recommend recreational use (although what else would using it be called?)
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