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Everything posted by slugdub

  1. Not necessary. There are two very easy and cheap fixes to this and I don't see where anybody has mentioned them (although I only scanned it quickly). One is the industrial type buffers they have at blockbuster. They are supposed to be very precise and much better than anything you buy for home use for $20. Try it, its only like $3 Another sure-fire way is to borrow or rent the game, install it on harddrive and then you only need to have the scratched disc inside to prove you still own the game. Very easy if you have the space. But yes, also whoever said install it first is also a good idea to try (sometimes it works, rarely, but does). Never move your Xbox while its spinning again, put in a safe place!
  2. Damn, now there is no way I'll afford it. Its up to $37,300! Bastards! I always wonder on such a high profile auction if people actually pay that much or its just a joke (especially because the proceeds go to the police) .
  3. Let me guess, this was already posted on here? Oh well, dang website went batshit right when I submitted it and search came up nothing for lazy or dui hehe
  4. Maybe? I don't have the cash though: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/La-z-boy-DW...e#ht_500wt_1182 Hehe, here is the full story behind the motorized Lazy Boy DUI: http://www.kare11.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=827501
  5. Please do this. I realllly miss the Friday nights with Dateline NBC on MSNBC before they outlawed the Predator show. Do they still do the ones with like phishing scams and stuff?
  6. Doubtful. If Fallout 3 is still $60 I doubt ODST is going to give away the candystore anytime soon. Don't listen to all the haters. Its a decent play and several hours of diversion if you enjoy halo games. Sure its different but the firefight game mode and the convenience of all the H3 maps on 1 disc pays for itself. I don't get all the WaW fanboism. Its not a bad game but it sure isn't anything special. Having Kieffer Sutherland yell at you for hours on end gets old.
  7. I call bullshit on that. You are trying to convince us a WW2 game has better zombies than a zombie game? That shit never works. Remember the TV VCR combo? Its all about specialization and L4D specializes in allowing you to CONTROL THE FUCKING ZOMBIES. World At War got anything but stupid co-op mode? Any vs where you get to be the zombies? nope!
  8. I never heard of that town so I hadta look. Shit man, you are literally ON the 5th largest lake in the fucking world. Go fishing or boating or something, otherwise, get the hell outta there! The nearest towns are what... Appleton? Green Bay? Those aren't any good towns to be near. You gotta head north or north-west to get near some civilization. Maybe catch a ride with some of them old folks that love to go up to the casino in Land o' Lakes and stare at that damn haunted light and all that stuff up der'.
  9. Again, I don't know why anybody on this forum doesn't believe me, but its not HOW MUCH you drink... but HOW you drink it. Try a 1oz shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes and you too will be acting just like this fool.
  10. Pretty cool storyline, its like Prison Break + Saw or Ransom or something.
  11. Yeah, the few times I have been in trouble it was all because of not paying a stupid traffic ticket or something here or there and FINALLY it catches up to me and I get pulled over for suspended license. Its a never ending cycle. You never want outstanding warrants though, that is bad news bears. Its like an easy $100 fix, you probably don't even have to do anything other than fill out a sheet of paper at the bail bonds place and have a family member answer a phone call to vouch for you. I didn't even have to leave work because a coworker was a partime bondsman. I'm sure it was a selling point of her job, but she said that sometimes, when the police have a slow day, they'll pop round' to people's houses on misdemeanor warrants and haul you in. I don't care for that kind of surprise.
  12. I agree with you Melissa. I pride myself on being able to admit when I am wrong. That way, I can move on and hold a realllly super long grudge against the assholes that deserve them!
  13. Just what I was gonna say.. WTF? At least Wisconsin has Chipotle though. I imagine you'll be freezing a few burritos up to take back on the plane?
  14. For some reason I thought of Chuggo when I saw this thread: On my way to court in a suit and a tie AHH, Come on fuckin guy
  15. Yeah, I was about to call bullshit on this thread hehe. Some guy in a Halo room the other night was being rather annoying but clever (I must admit) but asking everyone he plays with the report his name as offensive so he could get it changed without having to pay for it. He had some stupid random name. So I would imagine they just make you change it. I don't know about you guys but I really don't dig racism and anti-semitism so I when I see somebody has a gamertag or profile that uses the N-Word or like "FUCKING JEW" or something immature (like 80% of Xbox Live, saddly) I report that shit for sure!
  16. I gotta remember to pre-order because you get a frickin bat! I want that bat... oh and early access to the demo.
  17. slugdub


    Well the century club is a 1oz shot per minute.. for 100 minutes, and that is about what 5-6 beers? Its all how you stagger it I guess. (because if you've ever tried that its intense, you'll fall and break your arm probably)
  18. No, this is sort of what they told me at the counter. I actually asked at the photo counter because it was not busy and situated by the electronics. I was stubborn enough to ask two people there and they said "Well I could get the manager, but they'll tell you the same thing." Bah, now I feel dumb for taking No for an answer, but it was a Friday night and I actually have to drive 4.8 miles to get to a Wal-Mart so I said F it. Its funny that I'm so far away from a Wal-mart when last I checked there was like 6000+ and they were adding 300 a year. Its probably 8000 now. So yeah, I want Wal-Mart to exist to get me cheap shit and this stucked. Maybe I should have printed it off because this is what I did at Harbor Freight as well. Thanks for the help!
  19. Am I getting old here? I sure feel like a grumpy old man when I go onto Wal-Mart.com and see a wireless Xbox controller for $32 and that its in stock at my store (no need to order more right?) and its $50 when I arrive there. Why is that? I'm told at the counter that I could have ordered it online to be shipped to that store for $32. I told them it was in stock when I checked so why would i need it shipped? They say its because I get it now its more expensive than getting it later? Same with Gamestop, although they have a better reason. Games are cheaper online to help offset shipping prices. Ok, whatever. Has Harbor Freight spoiled me here? What-the-McFuck?!!!
  20. Naw, I'd think it is great if a cop was interested in what I had goin on. I like it when cops are cool. I've been very lucky the few times I got pulled over. Sure I still got a ticket or arrested and my car towed, but at least they weren't dicks about it and they always threw away my weed instead of writing me up.
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