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Everything posted by cmamtower

  1. i always thought he was a trustworthy guy, but i guess not now lol this was pretty low of him
  2. as long as you cover everything you possibly can that will rattle and make sure to get the edges down. you cant possibly go wrong lol unless you pay an arm and a leg for the deadener, then you have a problem
  3. yes, and if your going to use heat, the butyl will become a liquidy substance and will run. so you need to be very careful because it will get a little messy
  4. yes but i dont know any other methods than adhesive remover and lots of razorblades
  5. IMO the looks of the new challenger > new camaro and new mustangs. the factory wheels look a little too large for the car though, but maybe its just the angle.
  6. i dont wanna download that click potato bullshit though lol
  7. to stream movies online anymore? most of the sites i used to use were seized over the past week and i wanna watch a few flicks sometime today. any websites are appreciated.
  8. damn, a few friends picked up gsxr 600 and a 750 for under 4 grand (each) with low low miles, perfect condition, and not very old at all, just look around and you'll find something.
  9. for another 1500 or so you can get a cbr600 or gsxr.. so save up and have even more fun : )
  10. i thought i would be nice, so i took my girlfriend to it for our 11 months date. and it was very gay. probably one of the worst most boring movie i've ever seen lol i advise that noone see this movie unless they like the cock in the bum
  11. i dont think thats possible on about 99% of headunits... lol but i would go for a component set, not a coaxial just because thats my preference. i like my midbass and highs to be in seperate locations.
  12. the truck driver was behind me. he was only in front of my ONE time, which was the first time he passed me. then he kept riding my ass. i tried slowing down a few times but i couldnt since he wouldnt.
  13. well i dont have a cell phone. so i was trying to get his info, which is another reason i pulled in behind him. but couldnt end up getting it because he threw a damn wrench at my car lol
  14. the thing was the bitch passed me in a no passing zone with a 25 mpg speed limit.. i wouldnt have done anything if he would have just obeyed the speed limit and kept his cool. but i mean damn, how smart do you have to be? and i passed him back to try and slow his ass down a little. after that he was right on my ass as i was going 55, which is 5 over the speed limit. then kept trying to pass me. he couldnt get around me so he just kept high beaming me. the things that i hate are people passing me when im going over the speedlimit and high beaming me when they're behind me. i cant stand it. but now i have a damn ding in the back of my car, which i will turn in on insurance as a hit and run, and i'll get my rear quarter panel fixed, which is screwed up anyways.. lol
  15. well i was going through town, speed limit is 25, and this damn trucker passes me going 60, so once we get up to where the speed limit changes to 50 i pass him (on a no passing) and try and get him to slow his ass down. then he decides to keep trying to pass me a few times. and i down gear, speed up and he goes back in his lane behind me. finally he pulls into the walmart parking lot and i pull into the other entrance to try and find out what his problem is and tell him he needs to slow down in town since its a 25 mph zone. well he jumps out of the truck as i pull around and pull something from his rear cargo area and throws it at my car. i dont think ive ever drifted before on dry pavement but tonight i did trying to dodge whatever it was, but whatever hit my rear quarter panel so im gonna turn that in on a hit and run. then i came home and called the po po on this fucker. we have a problem with trucks flying through town here and nothing being done about it. the cop said next time to get their tags and call it in right then and there. they didnt catch this guy but karma will get him. bring on the "cool story bro"
  16. im on about 2 months free of smoking now, used to smoke a pack a day, unless i was working on my or a friends car, then it was 2 packs. i quit cold turkey as well. no ecigs or that stuff, just some fresh cope straight to keep me content
  17. i think it looks kinda cool except for the trunk with the clown. i'd drive it lol please dont flame me : (
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