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Everything posted by cmamtower

  1. port rear deck would be louder anyways depending on the system and which direction subs are facing
  2. what are you talking about? you try this shit with me all the damn time lol except with poles and such... not so much teabagging though, thats just gay
  3. so you would have to run a 12 volt trigger to the "trunk opening detector thingy" to the amp, so when the trunk is open, it sends a signal to the amp to turn it on. but then you will have to invest in an amp and speakers that will only be heard when the trunk is open. or you can always just tell the people to sit in your car instead so they can hear both, playing subs with the trunk open imo is kinda pointless because they usually arent a quarter as loud as they should be. no pressure = no loud boom boom lol
  4. i say if the tint laws are strict, you have more of a chance of getting pulled over for it, or ticketed
  5. river fishing and fly fishing for some trout, all i fish for (best tasting fish and easy to fix up on the grill imo) after i pay some bills i should be going daily here soon
  6. autodesk is badass, i have a student copy on the computer im on now, its fucking sweet. i made a pretty detailed train in class with it. me and wL<3bass (wilson) both took the class. very fun stuff i dropped my mech major and changed to electrical for my first year of college, now since my first year is done im ready to change again lol i have no clue what im going to do with my life
  7. i lost all my cad stuff when my other laptop crashed, took 4 years of it. made tons of single story houses and such. also started off drawing circles the first year lol
  8. i have like 400 posts. so i have a tiny penis. heck yes : )
  9. im not gonna give anything away, but its well worth the money to see in theaters, and once it comes out i'll be sure to buy it lol its just one of those movies i can watch 1000 times, like shooter lol
  10. me and my girl saw it about a month back and i was gonna watch it again here in a few minutes, i wanna know if you guys liked it or not. imo, the movie was amazing, great story line and probably one of the biggest twists i've seen. the ending was very unexpected and kinda pissed me off, but great nevertheless
  11. all i need is a decent car, a decent house, a decent system, a good job and a good family. too much to ask for?
  12. my girl wants to learn about cars and stereos, she can tell the difference between rockford amps and their series, knows what different ohm loads are and how to wire up a sub. tells her friends that theres a difference from they're friends cars with JL audio and my car with FI (that im louder lol) she knows the difference between Honda motors. calls everything on a car by the right name. and knows the difference between a 4g63 and a 420a. she puts up with my crap, takes me to chinese and pays when im broke. now all she needs to do is quit putting her damn feet on my dash and drawing on my windows lol
  13. schecter c-1's sound pretty good. tried one out at a sound shop in VA a year back, it has the seymour duncan custom humbuckers. great metal sound and has alot of brightness to it. sounds good with no distortion what so ever. i will have one whenever i get the extra money. action is way better than any strat in my opinion if you want to do some solo's. also very easy to get around the on. they're kinda pricey, you can pick one up for around 500 bucks in good condition.
  14. my second guess was going to be that your steering column is missing a finger..
  15. rolled through a stop sign ran a red light speeding through town no exhaust on my car hids peeled out from stop light, which i got a ticket for, improper start from stop, about 2 hours ago after a friend ratted me out and said "its the silver honda, it went that way" to the cop that pulled him over. thats about all for today
  16. someone has to need a d series motor they wanna make fast... bump
  17. lol i used to bump that song back in the high school days until wL<3bass started making fun of me for it because it made me sound like an ice cream truck rolling in the parking lot. i kinda like the song though. better than my first system though. 13w1 in a ported box built to JL specs. had it in a 4th gen civic and though i was hot shit because i did everything myself, from buying the sub to building the box and running all my wires. thing is, i actually did everything just about right on my very first system. i knew basically nothing about car audio other than it goes boom boom boom. its all a learning experience and you'll learn by your mistakes, thats the best part about it all. make a mistake, blow a woofer, which then gives you a perfect excuse to go bigger/louder/spl/sq : )
  18. yeah too high of a price for a 92.. theres 92-95's around this area i can pick up with around 150k or less for around 4-800 bucks.
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