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Everything posted by Steph3n1

  1. good amp but id recomend a 3500 per woofer lol theyll be laughing at 3500 watts as a pair
  2. get some second skin alot cheaper then dynamat and just as good if not better check it out www.secondskinaudio.com
  3. well yea it woulda been WAY easier if it was 35 outside mine just froze after about 45 seconds so i had to blast the shit out of it with the hose but it worked....eventually
  4. agreed just a severe PITA because of the freezing water on the truck and ground (slip n slide FTL)
  5. omg another one. please do the research on your own and pick a brand all of those brands have a woofer that can get loud. but the ones you chose arent even in the same class for the most part do your research before asking a question because were tires of getting asked unanswerable questions
  6. all of the carwashes were closed because it didnt rise above 28 today.........so i was outta luck
  7. haha yea but its good to keep it clean and washed to get all of the contaminants off of your paint
  8. i had to wash my truck for a truck meet that im supposed to go to tomorrow and i dont think it was worth it lol. im still cold as fuck 2 hours later and my truck is thawing out in the garage
  9. alt to battery. batt to chasis. batt to engine
  10. personally id go with some knu KLM if your going that cheap but its really worth it to spend the extra few$ to get some good wire
  11. lol that does sound like fun. mine does aight for what it is. it flexes my back window real bad almost scary sometimes lol
  12. np man. that guinea pig thing sounds pretty cool if they hold up to it. check out my build if you ever get the time. your setup looks pretty nice tho
  13. more mids n highs cant ever go wrong with that then you wont have to upgrade to more in the future
  14. haha then whats all this about decaf cleaning up songs? lol once again i never said it "slams" or anything like that i just said it sounded good. ehh the jeezy song was ok. his newer album is ognna be the shit
  15. ehh still ill get on audacity and clean it up a lil bit. i just thought it was a sick sounding song. not it slams hard
  16. i found this song today seems fairly new but im not sure check it out its sick as shit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO48A1wFZJU
  17. haha agreed. oh well not everyones seen it yet im sure
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