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Everything posted by IH8PunkRok

  1. i have to commend u on that loox real nice gimme some specs on the amp and where u found it its so hard to find house amps
  2. eh i give up on this thing it appears to be a slight bit over my head cause i really dont know wut im lookin for lol
  3. r u gonna make the two amp racks connected or will they be independent of each other? also are u gonna mess wit the interior? like seats and stuff
  4. yea thats prolly true but the calculations on the website were based off of volts goin through a 600 ohm resistor so isnt that fairly inefficient? but yes everything else is based off of perfect conditions however its nice to see someone who can talk smart with me
  5. thats pretty sure sweetness i wanna see a mass ducky dance in the asstro
  6. haha just found out sumthin the hertz level they base 10ˆ-12 (0 db) off of is 100 hz and meade's box is .57 cubic meters so my calculations are way off in a one cubic meter box @ 100 hz 1000 watts will create 150 db i cannot figure out wut i want to figure out ok for those who think they are up to the challenge check out this website http://www.analogrules.com/dbwatts.html and the formula to find watts per cubic foot is as follows [db number= 10log ( x/ 10ˆ-12)] i want to know how many watts it takes to reach 150 db @ 100 hz in steves box (.57 cubic meters) and if u can figure out how db readings change with increase or decrease in hz then please feel free to explain i came up with 570 w in a .57 mˆ3 @ 100 hz to hit 150db honestly that doesnt sound right to me cause i could hit 150 db in my box with only 137 watts that dont sound right
  7. put 24's on it and bag it so it can lay on the ground that would be sick
  8. that thing loox nice even dented (wrecked) the engine compartment is beautiful
  9. well im in precal right now i wanted to take phsics this year but i didnt since im already takin AP Chem and Honors Bio i couldve taken calc this year but i didnt wanna do precal over the summer (lazy) so no one knows if im doin that right?
  10. so i was lookin through the book and i found a formula 10log(x/10ˆ-12) (10ˆ-12 being 0 db) now according to this formula u can plug in a decibel reading say 150 db and find the watts per cubic meter needed to achieve that level of pressure basically it comes down to 150 decibels is 10ˆ15+10ˆ-12 = 1000 soo 1000 watts per cubic meter that seems feasable, however i was doin some more calculations and found out the 180 db (10ˆ18 + 10ˆ-12 =1000000) 1 million watts per cubic meter???? it also said the diference between 0-10 db is ten times 0-20 db is 100 times louder 0-30 db is 1000 times louder and so on which i know to be somewhat true so on a vague estimation i figured that at full volume, roughly 40,000 watts, meade could only hit 158.1 db inside the box that didnt sound right to me now im not sure what hertz level is is calculating this at but its kinda confusing right now, cause it also says i can hit 150 in my box and i know that aint true of course it is assuming perfect conditions am i doing these calculations right? (ill be gone for a while so i wont respond until maybe 7 est)
  11. u stole ur wifes car? whoever thought thought crime could trun into something so good?
  12. the guy in the back loox like a retard lol i thought it wasnt slappin that hard til he hit that button good stuff meade
  13. within 7 mins of posting this thread has gotten 12 replies how odd but yes hurry up!!!!!! pleez...
  14. i find it interesting that now red means courage and heart but back in the 1600's (salem withcraft trials) red was the color of sin example: the scarlet letter by nathaniel hawthorne, the letter was red and it represented sin u might want to use how things change over time too for extra credit
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