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Everything posted by inm

  1. Going to community college for 2 years to get general education done, then transferring to a 4 year school for something in technology. Not exactly sure what yet, possibly programming.
  2. So, 12 hours from now, I will finally be done with the shit hole that is high school. It's about damn time. Anyway, that's all I was posting about. Oh yeah, and what I'm getting for graduation. Mom and dad are getting me a Droid 3 when it comes out, as well as a sweet new knife. My grandma got me a GPS, but I'll most likely be exchanging it for a new HDD and some speakers for my computer, since the D3 will have GPS anyway. And the various money that I've gotten from people will go towards a Viewsonic G-Tablet and dock for it. Sooo yeah. Well, good night.
  3. I'm glad my headunit has the USB coming out of the back of my headunit. Got that bitch routed to my glove compartment.
  4. I downloaded Trainspotting a while ago, never watched it. As for the 50 Cent movies, I have almost every movie he's been in. Some of them were pretty good, the others just sucked. About to watch 13 some time this weekend. My government teacher told me to watch a certain movie, but I have no idea what it was... edit- Nevermind, not watching a movie tonight.
  5. Lol yep that's me. Also, I would like to extend this to you guys. If anyone else has Netflix and would like to write a review for a movie, feel free to PM your email, and I'll invite you to the blog and you can post your own reviews! edit- Also reposted the first review, and ended up deciding to include the movie poster on the review post. http://amovieperweek.tumblr.com/post/6375055421/movie-title-caught-in-the-crossfire-starring
  6. Posted my first review the other day. "Caught In The Crossfire" I realize the fact that it's all in one column could be annoying, but on the "home" page of the Tumblog, it makes sense to have it like that.
  7. I had been looking into the Galaxy Tab, but I've determined I want a bigger screen. And the 10.1 has supposedly been put on the back burner and won't be out for a while. I've been looking at the Viewsonic G Tablet. My girlfriend's dad has one, and loves it. But I haven't really heard anything else about it, and it doesn't currently run Honeycomb, though there are rumors of it being ported to the G Tab. As for carrier/3G, I want a purely WiFi device, I'll be tethering to my phone for internet. Don't need another monthly bill for no reason.
  8. I used to be the same way. Until one day, I let one go that made myself gag. I have no idea what died inside my asshole that day, but that day was just horrid. That also happens to be one of the worst I've ever smelled. I normally can deal with it, but every once in a while, there's one that just burns my nose, and sadly, it was one of my own that time...
  9. I've been looking into getting an Android Tablet soon, and I am looking for suggestions. Only criteria: Needs to be rootable. Preferably comes with Honeycomb, or have Honeycomb roms available. Under $300. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.
  10. What exactly are you unzipping? It should have been a .ispw file, which does not need to be unzipped.
  11. Saw that as soon as a DVDRip was available back a few years. And to be honest, I burnt a few copies of it and left it around my school, they're still circulating... Hahhaa edit- And I'm very surprised Forrest Gump isn't available for streaming! It doesn't really matter either way, of course I've seen that, who hasn't? I'm looking for "new" movies. ("New" to me, not "new" meaning recent)
  12. I'm looking more for movie suggestions than TV show suggestions, honestly. Now that I'm done with South Park, I'm finishing up Caught In The Crossfire. Fairly good movie thus far, nothing that sets it apart from any other cop movie though. As for genres, I'm looking for any movies. I want to expand my horizons for movies in general. Only criteria is streaming on Netflix, and no Disney pop movies.
  13. At the moment, I'm watching the "South Park: A Very Buttery Collection" I've seen Law Abiding Citizen and Cloudy with the Chance of Meatballs. Both are great movies. I do plan on watching through every episode of LOST, as well as The Office sometime. edit- I might check out Centurion if I get a chance as well. Also, in addition to my first post, I will be posting here about an hour before I watch something, so if anyone wants to join me in a party for watching, they can. I'll probably be checking Centurion sometime tonight. Probably around 11PM EST.
  14. Aww come on, no one wants to join me, or suggest movies? hahaha, it's alllll good.
  15. Hey guys, I've started a Tumblog (if you don't know what that is, don't worry about it, that's not the point of this thread) where I am watching at least one movie per week, and then writing a short review about it. I do take suggestions for movies, the only criteria being it needs to be available for instant streaming on Netflix. If you are interesting in the Tumblog itself, here's the link: A Movie Per Week Anyway, on to the point of this thread. Because I will be watching the movies on Netflix on my Xbox 360, I would like to extend an invite to anyone here that also has Netflix, to join me in watching whatever movies in a party. This could open us all to new movies we've never seen. If anyone would like to join me, my gamertag is i am esuris and the projected time/day for watching the movies would most likely be around 11pm EST, Tuesday nights. In addition, I will be watching movies at other times, but the ones I will be "reviewing" will be on Tuesday nights. If I'm watching a movie some other time, feel free to join my party if you would like to check the movie out. Lastly, feel free to suggest movies to me as well. Preferably available on Netflix, but if you claim that it's such a great movie, I might take other means to obtain the movie. Thanks for reading guys.
  16. Not gonna lie, I like the icon you used. Even if it is just an icon, it would still be nice to have an eye-appealing shortcut to SMD!
  17. Done. Damn sure love the deli sliced ham at whatever school I attend!
  18. I've never had a problem with it. Google Chrome with ad block.
  19. I sent mine out like a week ago and I ain't got shit yet... I do know, however, that my parents are getting me a Droid 3 and a ballin' ass knife. And possible getting my Blazer painted. Still gotta try to convince them on that one.
  20. Here's my main question. I don't have a team that needs a website, however I am interested in setting up my own personal website... How can offer a custom domain free for a year? Are you personally hosting it, or is it through some other site that I can get it free? And if it's you hosting it, would you still host a personal website for me, even if it's not a team site? If not, it's cool, just though I would ask.
  21. Volume of music/videos? You just tap on the screen and a volume meter comes up. Otherwise, just navigate to the settings, and there's a volume slider in there for the whole device.
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