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Everything posted by Skullz

  1. http://www.audioque.com/aq/?page_id=72
  2. The more power the better, anything over 3hp would be good but at the price it won't happen but i found this. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00917517000P?vName=Tools&cName=Portable+Power+Tools&sName=Routers+%26amp;+Laminate+Trimmers
  3. The logitech has been tuned and yours hasn't, its all in the enclosure.
  4. If you really want to compare the 2 just swap each system out of each car, unless you have fold down seats you lose alot of sound in the trunk and need more power.
  5. Yes you can but make sure you don't drop more than 3.5bd or you could run into problems losing signal, you may even lose signal depending on who you have as an isp. BTW:You may have your modem off the first split where it is and depending on how far down the line you install it it may not have enough signal.
  6. You do know that a business line cost more than a residential line CORRECT? So your asking someone with a business to pay for 2 lines at a higher cost than someone that doesn't have a business to pay and than complain cause they lost internet YOUR company provides these businesses with. BTW: What if the node goes down? What if they decide to do maintenance on the line shutting it down for a time? Where would the 2nd line come it to play here that isn't affected by the first line, since they would both come from the same point of connection.
  7. The first box is fine but if you hear something that don't sound right you just might need to add the batting to combat the standing waves but other than that its perfectly fine for what your doing.
  8. polyfill but we aren't trying to increase the volume but rather to deaden by adding the batting from reflecting off that surface.
  9. When you stand back and look at the enclosure if it looks like its square on the front or sides you can have standing wave issues within the enclosure.
  10. Never dealt with them personally but after reading some of the feedback they sound ok to do business with, only one way to find out.
  11. Try to bypass the EQ to make sure its the source of the problem and not a speaker or other problem.
  12. Should be fine with that, but if its a square looking on the side you might run into standing wave issues and need some dacron batting lining the bottom to remove any unwanted noise from the box.
  13. Hunt down a hubcap shop and browse through some of the older caps to use, there were some badass caps back in the day that would look pimp on some newer cars
  14. Get a second battery for the back and that should help in slowing the voltage drop for now, and then plan on a nice h/o alt down the road as funds open up. http://www.remybattery.com/Departments/Extreme-Performance-Batteries/Deka-INTIMIDATOR-Battery.aspx
  15. Depends on the type of music you happen to listen to and where you want to tune at but i'm voting on the FI.
  16. 2 left at DB-R http://www.db-r.com/sell/store2/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=65_67_69_82
  17. Well we both could be wrong and he was building a comp box but since the purpose of the box isn't known its just a matter of guessing on whats being done here.
  18. Copied from the FI site. BTL 18 – Ported box we recommend using 5-8 cubic feet @ 30-35Hz tuning, you can tune a little higher if you wish but we recommend keeping it close to 32hz for a daily driver. Again the same 12-16 square inches of area applies per cubic foot of volume. Your port would need to be 4x16x24 for a 32hz tune from the box with a displacement of .1 for any bracing.
  19. At 11.5 volts my H/U will shut off so if your dropping to around that voltage your H/U might do the same thing. Keep an eye on your voltage and see whats going on and if it is dropping that much your in need of more batteries and or an alt.
  20. I never used them personally but what wiki says is to blank it then you can rewrite over it but not sure what blanking is. USB flash drives ftw
  21. You would have to remove everything first then rewrite over it.
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