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Everything posted by Cashdollar2009

  1. This guy's got the message. And thanks for the compliments on the last one. lol Just used stuff from the garage. Speakers box, co-axial, gorilla tape, duck tape, electrical tape, old 16-gauge wire, etc.
  2. Well I figured SMD would be about as good as any for me to ask this question... lol In art class, 3.5 hours from now, the assignment is to take a reconizable object, and change it in a way to make it something else, something real or not. The teacher smokes mad weed before class so as long as it's "artistic" feel free to shoot me some ideas. lol Last week we were to make something by destroying another. I took and old Kenwood co-axials and dismantled in, turning it into a component system. I gorilla taped a Fosgate Power component set box airtight, mounted, and wired everything up so it was fully functional. Too much audio at heart I guess... Nothing amazing, but it worked for him. Thanks ahead for the suggestions guys.
  3. i admit it was good and differant . pretty cool tho Such a hypocrite. lol
  4. Here, order a few for when you do it again. http://cgi.ebay.com/AGU-FUSES-5-PACK-80-AMP-GOLD-PLATED-/360113962063?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53d876fc4f
  5. The amplifier does the clipping. The subwoofers just do what you tell them to do by sending them the power. In this case, the subwoofers are the victims.
  6. No. The gain on the amplifier does exactly what it says it does, it "amplifiers" the musical signal. If your amplifier is rated to 300wrms, do not set your gain higher than that 300wrms level. When you try to amplifier the signal, you damage the sine wave being sent to your drivers. The result is a "clipped" signal that will take the excess energy and turn it into heat. This will aid you in burning tinsels as well as other things in the process of destroying your equipment. There are more specific and scientific reasonings written up, but I just wanted to give you a general idea. The gain is not an indicator as 0-100% of your amplifiers power. Depending on your pre-out voltage on your head unit, as well as current supplied from your battery bank, "100%" is generally somewhere in between.
  7. ^^^^^ You need to stop editing your avatar and banner and answer me. lol
  8. Could just be a mental thing, but the dual inputs make me feel better trying to supply an amplifier with enough current to produce 4k. I'm not arguing with you, but why do people spend money to get adapters made to feed single input amps such as Crescendo's more than one run of cable? I've been in the market for the newer style AQ3500d for a bit until I heard of DC's new line of amplifiers coming out, and they use dual inputs for their 4,300 @ 14.4V. Does that just make the second set of inputs a waste of spare cash for no real performance gain? I'm not doubting the amplifier's ability to do rated, just so you are aware. Just curious.
  9. The ONLY thing that turns me off are the single inputs on the 3.5k... :/
  10. You remind me of the Russian police. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqLoQiMT6WE&feature=related
  11. I go to school at Behrend in Erie, and those idiots can't even plow the parking lot right, so on top of the ice, you are looking to spend 20 minutes shoveling out a path behind you car to even back the thing out. lol
  12. You're going down the wrong road my friend. I am not sure that there is anything that you can really say. I know that none of us personally know the entire situation, but sometimes an outside view on these things can be constructive. You don't deserve to be putting yourself through this shit. You're best bet is to find another girl, who is single. Good luck with your entire situation man. Edit. Nvm. Still, goodluck.
  13. You gotta post everything here man if you want in. A lot of people are giving the mods headaches because of this. You should either delete this thread and upload all of your pictures into photobucket and post them into a build log of your own or just back into this thread. If not, Nicky is gonna e-whoop your ass. lol Post your shit on the site.
  14. Most of us have done builds with "dirt" subs, including me. Then we saved some cash, upgraded, and are now on this site. Stick around a while and you'll pick some things up. Everyone has to start somewhere, throw some cash down on the side and eventually ditch those Hfi's. lol
  15. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/93195-eight-21s-on-5000w/page__p__1281654entry1281654 If you have them, you can probably understand how people on an actual car audio site feel about them. Sell them, and save up. You can get much better for not a whole lot more.
  16. Here's where it originated, my archery forum: http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1366975 We've had some weird shit come through. I'll just say that I wouldn't want to be the guy walking back out to that treestand if I really didn't know who was pissing with my camera, if it was a prank, and put that on there. lol
  17. Here's the Finished box that I wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl Was there a strategy for the way you lined the subs up like this or? The rear door looks good though!
  18. One of my buddies goes to school with this kid. He's got a sick style. Figured i'd share.
  19. I never wear anything but the "plain and boring" because I just feel it is more organized and looks better. A lot of the designs here are just crazy and cluttered and having a lot going on. But... For some reason, I'm loving these! I'd order one of each if these are chosen. Good work sir.
  20. New song! From T.I.'s new "No Mercy" album that dropped yesterday. Saw it suggested in another thread so I figured what the Hell. Here's a little 5 minute edit. Peaks at 32Hz.
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