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Status Replies posted by KillaCam

  1. Was in the store buying some snacks, when i saw a guy buying himself and a friend some things with an EBT card. Then the guy walks out and gets into a NICE 2012 dodge challenger.

  2. Went to the bathroom at the bar, 2 dudes sharing a stall together when the other 2 stalls were free. Fuck. what has been seen cannot be unseen.

  3. Best offer cash takes her! PM me

  4. Boom boom boom and let me hear you say ayyyyy yooooo........ I'm drunk.

  5. Damn...6 month dental cleaning in the morning..at least the girl that does mine is hot, just sucks cuz you're laying there with your mouth wide open looking as terrible as possible.

  6. just took out a loan on house to pay for the gas for the mower

  7. my 1,000 dollar sterio got mest up...oh! nevermine i 4got i have a 2year warranty...haha!! silly of me.

  8. Fuck you Wednesday !, I'm taking a nap :P

  9. Just bought another truck :/

  10. Did anyone win the 350,000,000 megamillions jackpot? My co-workers and I bought $80 worth and only won $6

  11. roses are red...vilets are blue....when that bass dropped...my balls did too......lmfao

  12. Pulled up to a dude with his system up, said "hey bro, your shits loud" with a thumbs up. Before he could respond, turned mine up full tilt and drove away slowly. Boss.

  13. Wow.... Never thought I would see the day when a country singer does a rap song, but I can honestly say Joe Nichols done Baby Got Back rather well.... Hahahahahahahahaha

  14. ever since the "Top Posters" pannel is gone i have much less desire to post. lol

  15. I got thrown out of Farmville. Apparently they found undocumented workers on my farm. drats.

  16. Enjoying a few cold beers. Fuck yes.

  17. Enjoying a few cold beers. Fuck yes.

  18. If you think I`m cute (like my status).If you think I`m a good friend (comment on this).If you hate me (message me & tell me why).If you ever had a crush on me, be honest, (send a poke).If you`re not scared (make this your status).

  19. Can someone please nominate me for system of the month i cant figure out how and im new here http://www.stevemead...6-chevy-camaro/

  20. LOL at the newbie's trying to enter SOTM, who obviously haven't read the rules.

  21. Wish i wasn't working on St Patty's day

  22. Quoting yourself over and over again or referring to yourself in third person is about as cool as high fiving yourself in public.

  23. tequila has done me wrong a time or two........... You know what they say, go to bed at 2 with a 10, wake up at 10 with a 2....

  24. When you do nice things for people, you get noticed...


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