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Everything posted by lovellsz

  1. Fierce A&F is what i wear. Lil bro works at A&F so i get like 30% off everything. woot
  2. i will be getting a new phone, but nothing really special. I am poor until the 1st...
  3. negitive i am not Air Force i am Army... So far things are good. I am adjusting to the weather in Va in themorning that brisk air sucks for running but i need to get used to it. I started my schooling so i graduate from AIT on April 2nd as of right now.
  4. Va beach eh? Thats where i kick it at, or over by newport news at Ft Eustis
  5. we get our phone for ait we can use it on personal time. We also have stats for the weekends RED stay on post, stay in ACU's and do details all of saturday. Sunday church and px for haircut/personal hygine or anything but alcohol and supplements. Very resricted (weeks 4-5 that your here) GREEN (ME) wake up for morning formation and can leave post and were civilian clothes show back up for recall formation at 2200 each day but sunday then its 1800. (weeks 5-12 that your here) 60% on all parts of pt test and 85% GPA GOLD Leave after final formation Friday dont have to be back until recall formation on Sunday at 1800 70% on all parts of PT test and 89% GPA (weeks 12-leave)
  6. you dont know how that phone time would make the time go by better, being able to hear from home made it easier. Then when people messed up and got the phone privalages taken away we wanted to sock party their ass.
  7. i got a pt test thursday and i hurt my shoulders over the weekend. fuck that
  8. heh i am not quite thousand's yet but i am hundreds of miles away from mine and we are making it work. Things that you work harder for you treasure more.
  9. I am reading you post and i see the part were you cut her down about her physical shape... thats kinda jacked the fuck up you know... if the Navy/Coast Guard is anything like the Army it isnt that hard at all do get into shape. I left home July 25th to go to basic at fort jackson, sc (relaxin jackson) which isnt the hard post but i still had standards to meet that are the same at the other basic facilities. And i wasnt doing to the cardio and strengh training i should have been doing before i left. My first PT test i took i scored a 30 on as my overall score. Thats how bad i did, by the time i left i was over 200 on my score. So dont act like it cant be done we had people knock off 10mins off their time from the first pt test 2mile run to making a passing score to graduate BCT. And going to school while in the military... I will be doing it as soon as i get out of here. I am going to start working on a degree so i can work on getting warrent officer. I am from a military town and i see the full time army people take weekend classes at Austin Peay State University to further their education and to have something when they get out of the service. Her time in basic will be the time she will need you the most. Cuz that first pt test is a heartbreaker. I miss my girl everyday i am gone and she helps me get thru this time away. Almost a year is a long ass time to be away so its hard enough as it is.
  10. going to be here an additional month and it doesnt count towards my time till i am done.... fuck that
  11. Well i made it thru basic. I am now at Fort Eustis VA. Awaiting a classing. So i rake dirt and clean everyday until i get classed and can go to shool. Once i get classed i will be here for 17 weeks.
  12. we get it to check our LES and AKO and i just look at the other things instead of that. Heh i graduate on the 5th thank god.
  13. I just now got a chance to use the internet at basic. So far it sucks ass. I am still struggling on my pt. If anything keeps me from graduating it will be PT. If everything goes right i will be graduating on October 5th. Well take it easy. Peace
  14. Thanks again, i am sitting here in the hotel lobby waiting to leave i got like an hour before i cant get to a computer for a while, so i am using the internet as much as possible. The bad thing about Fort Eustis is i am going in the winter so, the beach i wouldn't think would be so popular, unless it stays pretty warm all year round. I am a lil nervous but i will be fine. Peace D
  15. Thanks guys, i am sitting in the hotel waiting for tomorrow to come to ship. I will be going to fort jackson sc, then from there to fort eustis va, my total training is approx 29 weeks and 2 days. So it will be a while before i can come back to the site, as soon as i get to ait i am going to get a phone that has internet on it better than mine i have now so i can browse the site at ait. Thanks for all the support and take care guys.
  16. Well my time has came to go to basic training tonight. So i will not be on here for a while, i might able get online once i get to AIT so if i can i will if not, i will get online when i come home for thanksgiving and for christmas.
  17. a lot of it is install dependent.
  18. it would prolly be cheaper to just buy a new amp.
  19. heh been there done that, almost landed me in the hospital for alcohol poisoning, like one of my partners that was doing shots with me.
  20. i am going to say that mixing prolly didnt help matters much... drinking what i was drinking the night before has always worked for me
  21. I had a friend with 21's on a caddy since he couldnt get the 22's to work without modding. and he did it just to be different.
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