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Everything posted by Freshman6969

  1. take it back and have them reprogram the moduale, do you know if they ran a tach? or if its tachless? tachless usally causes issues like that, its one of the two im sure of it
  2. dont mind my epic paint skills, hope this helps, if you have any questions just pm me id be glad to help
  3. first off, you dont need to fuse grounds, second drop the distro block for the 1000.1D's just get 0-4g reducers, itll lower the resistance in the line and allow your amps to get a tad bit more power(thats just the way id do it personally, to each there own, itll also be cheaper) third, you CAN do the cut off switch, but i personally like using the PAC LC1 bass knob, its an inline rca bass knob, i dont see why it wouldent work with two amps and idk where that 3rd run of power is going at the top, just seems to be gone lol oh and run the 4 channels off the rear batt aswell and me personally, i ground the back battery to the frame aswell as running a ground from the front, some do some dont, again to each there own edit: im uploading a pic now of what the best way to do it is, minus the reducers for the ease
  4. laquer thinner WILL take it off, but it has a high capability to eat right through the light, you just have to be smart about it, meaning not to much, after that wet sand
  5. i wouldent think the small gap would be a huge change, itd be small if any, if your going for a sealed score, then the leaks would make a diff
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  7. i think there all the same, unless theres something i dont know..
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  9. wtf dustin i thought you were bant...........MIND FUCKED anyway that shit looks really intense!
  10. but then everythings just loading into the port? thought thats what you DONT wanna do? and yeah i just thought about that, i need to shrink it a bit
  11. m1 lvl 4 15's on a 3.5k clamping 900watts, BUT i plan on keeping the same box when i drop back down to .5 and clamp 4300 roughly out that bitch, think thatll cause huge problems? and does anyone see loading issues with this box at all? subs would be all the way to the back towards the hatch
  12. again....im fine with bumping up the tuning, but as stated above, im looking for an all around type box my last two box's i havent been happy with, my first 2 15's box i loved, just needed to be braced, but i couldent get a 150 out of that box for the life of me, hence i trashed it lol, but im not to concerned about numbers, numbers are just nice to have
  13. how much? i was told id need less when i tune lower...right now i have 120sq in and tuned to low 40s, i know TO much port, lvl 4 15's m1's are the subs, i was told 110-120 but fuck if i know im looking to get an all around good sound with this box, meaning... play low, like big pimpin low, and play up to the 50's fine tuning is just how it came out, im willing to go higher also its an 01 pt loser, sub up port back, DC 3.5k @ 2ohms, but im only clamping 900 out of it so far, but once i get my alt im gunna see my normal 4300 out of it
  14. just need a double check on this box, i wanna make sure i have enough port and airspace this time around lol somehow my box now got from 5.5cubes down to almost 4 and i have no idea why lol, that and my tuning ended up at 40 some odd hz lol if anyone feels they have any suggestions please say something, i dont mind criticizim, mind you im not new to the game here, but nor am i old to it either, boxes are the one thing im trying to master right now, well the designing aspect at least
  15. if you wanna keep that updated man please do, ill pin it if you dont need to change the link everytime, i know ive been procrastinating this thread but i PROMISE!!!!! i will get to it this weekend with cc-1 updates and everything uptodate
  16. WOAH WTFZ, i really gotta update that thread, fuuu
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