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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Everything posted by onebadmonte

  1. Great products. My LCD Bass meter works great after years of use.
  2. I flew into Burbank after 9/11. I was shocked that they still allowed boarding and unboarding directly on the tarmac. Cool stuff Steve, I'm interested in what this project was. Will in be a nation wide thing or just local Cali thing?
  3. Being digital from the radio to the 3sixty, what controls the volume? The radio or the processor?
  4. I had been looking to lower my suburban, but wasn't sure if anything was available for a 4WD. Now i know, thanks for sharing.
  5. Congrats. With something like that the possibilities are limitless. If you need some CAD work done feel free and let me know.
  6. $1 Bob. Amplifier: Gravity 1500.1d Owners Manual claims 500x1 RMS at 1ohm Certified mode (test stops at 1% distortion) - 217 Watts RMS Non-Certified mode (test stops at clipping) - 235 Watts RMS Dynamic Burst RMS (test stops at clipping) - 247 Watts RMS Final answer 699 Thanks Steve.
  7. Besides the Mechman alternators, what else is planned? What else can be done to top this over the top Caddy?
  8. This is my favorite pic out of the whole lot that I took. I'm gonna throw this out there as a suggestion, and to tell why I like this pic so much. The color of the Sundown logo on the dust cap has a hue that is reminiscent of glow in the dark paint. I think it would be effing bad ass if Jacob offered his subs with glow in the dark logos on the dust cap. Think of how awesome this would be when showing off to the homies at night. Do it Jacob, do it! Just a thought.
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