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Status Replies posted by gally

  1. Today's date is 7 + 7 = 14

  2. 9th anniversary today. Kinda hard to believe how fast time passes.

  3. Sony CDX GT740UI OR Alpine CDA 9886R OR Pioneer 8400BT????..........looking in bettween the three but do not know which one to chose...

  4. gott a call froma cars dealership...they told me that the car will arive 3weeks from now...hell yeah.....other thing got A trade for a dragster dwq 256sub

  5. so my dad says that when i get the new car i would not get audio things in it..i say ok...but the first day he is not seeing me ill put everything in...new deck, amp and alll that...aint no living without bass

  6. so my dad says that when i get the new car i would not get audio things in it..i say ok...but the first day he is not seeing me ill put everything in...new deck, amp and alll that...aint no living without bass

  7. so my dad says that when i get the new car i would not get audio things in it..i say ok...but the first day he is not seeing me ill put everything in...new deck, amp and alll that...aint no living without bass

  8. so my dad says that when i get the new car i would not get audio things in it..i say ok...but the first day he is not seeing me ill put everything in...new deck, amp and alll that...aint no living without bass

  9. Why are people so upset with FaceBook over the emotion study they did with their users?

  10. i need a new car

  11. It's one of those days. "When it rains, it po"..............FAWK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Got me anotheR M1b

  13. any 4th order 18" trunk build out there???

  14. ok...diesel or petrol? which one? chosing bettween the 1.4 petrol and a 1.3 diesel Corsa D(14)..or 2.2 diesel accord(04)

  15. ok...diesel or petrol? which one? chosing bettween the 1.4 petrol and a 1.3 diesel Corsa D(14)..or 2.2 diesel accord(04)

  16. Yeah so I just heard about a beaver pulling someone out of a canoe. A friggin beaver pulled a human being out of a canoe and started mauling him... A beaver!

  17. got stoned before i cut the grass...... lol.. stories for days... lulz

  18. Damn I haven't posted anything on Facebook in a long time haha well good morning to the people waking up ❤️ I'm still at work but I'm almost out in 2 hours ??? I got this haha

  19. Morning run great day

  20. yesterday got me 2 subs for cheap andf there are brand new....it was on some sale thing at a local discount shop....160 for 2 brand new GZ subs...love em

  21. yesterday got me 2 subs for cheap andf there are brand new....it was on some sale thing at a local discount shop....160 for 2 brand new GZ subs...love em

  22. gettin 2 12s for now maybe 4 12 in future....done wit hthe 15s...recones are so pricey...

  23. not liking that next year they would not make anymore games for the X360

  24. I'm not liking Watch Dogs

  25. I'm not liking Watch Dogs

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