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Everything posted by treossi

  1. steve, you gotta lock the passenger door, when you're giving demos, so they can't bail like that man
  2. i never seen one in person, id like to
  3. the drown'd out video is probably my favorite, along with the "it aint that loud" both clips contain classic ownage
  4. yeah i read the true absinthe drinkers do not light their absinthe, stupid czechs, my next paycheck, i'm gunna buy a bottle of lucid
  5. yeah treo ssi, pretty sexy looking sub i think, i miss them
  6. gunna get some more of these, pulled it out of storage, know what it is?
  7. yeah, this was 120 dollar bottle, 100 proof, but it got me all retarded last night
  8. anyone ever try this stuff? my friend hooked it up with 5 shots, (only drank one) and he showed me how to drink it, i'm feeling pretty F**ked up right about now hope this is a good spot for this
  9. no, i would believe that is joey e, i think his name is, the guy from the rez rollin hard video, bad ass tatts btw
  10. yeah there is probably a way to do it, but it's much more than an alarm
  11. you have to be in the lexus for it to park it's self though, theres no one in that porsche
  12. theres already a lexus that parallel parks itself, but there is still a driver in the car, i think that porsche is manual transmission too btw, so how would a signal shift a car into reverse, i know lots of german cars have steer by wire (no steering linkage) it's all electronic, but the shifting part, i still think it's fake
  13. how can your alarm shift the vehicle into reverse, and turn the wheels like in the video? don't think it's real
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