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Everything posted by tigolbity

  1. well oscopes get expensive. you might be able to rent one from a autozone or something. your local parts store. if you turn your sub level down to the lowest before your subs shut off. you should be able to turn your gain up to somewhere around 3/4. i would deffinitly get an oscope and read how to use one and test your stuff. im only 17 and only have a few years of experience so i wouldnt rely on me haha.
  2. well im guessing he did that so that if you or your friend turned the sub level all the way up then it wouldnt clip. it is better to have the sub level down and the gain on your amp turned up more... but if your friend messes with it and turns the sub level up then your system is fucked lol Well my gain half and boast 0 and subsonic30hz and LPf 75hz well you need an oscope like he said to really test it if you dont know what clipping sounds like. but always keep the bass boost on the amp at 0 lol. bass boost will really make it clip
  3. take the battery out and see if it still bumps with the 2 if so, then just use 2.. lol
  4. well im guessing he did that so that if you or your friend turned the sub level all the way up then it wouldnt clip. it is better to have the sub level down and the gain on your amp turned up more... but if your friend messes with it and turns the sub level up then your system is fucked lol
  5. =O haha ive never seen a decent sub that requires less then 1 cube. my bad =D
  6. oh, so your proving my point? liquid nail held a house together? lol
  7. are ported boxes not made for lower notes and deeper bass? (with the right air space)
  8. lol meant to say liquid nail is killing two birds with one stone liquid nail is the same as silicone and glue
  9. .65 cubes?! lol.. usually ported boxes need more cubes you might be better off sealed
  10. its possible. for a tiny hair trick.. but you need a sub with bigger cone area. like (15"+)x 4 probably. expecially in a SUV
  11. lol your little video clip/pic, is funny haha
  12. lol im tired of people comparing stuff to steve meade
  13. lmao. looks like you got atleast $1500 in your rims/tires
  14. it also depends on the head-unit.. a lot of head-unit's do NOT have "sub" levels or adjustments. (in this case the highs would produce bass too.)
  15. ok well help me with my new post please also in my other post please tell me what setting to put my DMM on plase
  16. lol i didnt say it was GREAT, its my first box ever [/img] [/img] [/img]
  17. the calc i use says i need to make it longer i go to the12volt.com "Calculators, Charts, Diagrams" scroll down, click "Volume Calculator - Rectangular/Square Enclosures" scroll up, its right above the box volume calc for the spuare enclosures my port is 1.5"wide x 17.5"tall x 9"long and i have 1.8 cubes
  18. yes i have 4, and i have a question about my box. its tuned to 46hz (not on prupose lol, just made a box that looks good) anyways, would i make my port longer to get it tuned lower? or would i shorten it?
  19. single 4 ohm subs to 1 ohm i know how, just wondering if it would cause problems yes or no?
  20. make a box first then upgrade the amp if it doesnt make a difference. if you are trying to save money if not.. fuck it. by better amps and a better box, get damplifier.
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