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AI James

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Everything posted by AI James

  1. theres a difference in slapping a burp for 3 seconds and doing a daily. 250amps per 0gauge run imo is great for daily.
  2. set gains accordingly...your blowin tweets becasue your running a ton of power to tiny ass tweets. but the mids love power.
  3. what are you running to the 2 sets power wise
  4. Forum Asshole.... please i had it before but became inactive and now im pretty active again
  5. im not trying to start a DC is ripping peopel off thread, just curious why minus shipping the price is never the same, thats all.
  6. any reason why the price of the product is different all the time depending on what dealer you talk to?
  7. good on the amp upgrade, i never liked my mx even on 4k lol
  8. i dunno what it does but get it rofl post
  9. thats why i laugh everytime i see one of these threads
  10. finals are in tennesse normally not the vehicle lmao
  11. roof braces is rather worthless at this point, theres some mechanical issues around it, least its got ok paint.
  12. just wondering, how much a Jeep Cherokee is worth with an empty tunnel for 12 15's and some iffy stuff going on with it, but i'm just curious what kind of investment i should be looking at.
  13. 1 in the morning i should be sleeping, but i have the itch to work on my shitbox

  14. whos dousing thier box with water? also the weight diff unless your using multiple sheets isnt going to make a difference in car performance or anything anyhow.
  15. i wouldnt tune under 34 myself and id stay at 6, but then again not a really big deal, youll be near RMS of the sub anyhow with rise.
  16. if your having.."my box is flexing " issues its built wrong lol
  17. not if built correctly in the first place...neither one should be flexing
  18. boxes built correctly you shouldnt hear a difference at all.
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