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Everything posted by Anotherguy

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. http://www.ebcbrakes.com/automotive/redstu...ads/index.shtml
  3. EBC makes some, but dustless pads squeak and kinda sucks for stopping.
  4. Man some of you guys are funny. You act like, how dare he question the sub....Its a DC, there is no way it could be flawed. If he had the volume as low as he said and the gains were set right, it was likely a flaw with the coil. This whole thread could be avoided if someone would have just given him Rustys number like he asked.
  5. Thats cool! I had the same car back in 94-95 with eight 12's in it. Let me see if I can find some pics. Sorry for thread jacking.
  6. I have a lightly used Sundown 3000D. The only mark on it is where I screwed the feet down, other than that it is perfect. It will come in the original box and unused bass knob. I believe I still have all the paperwork too. I would like to get $640 shipped to the 48. Pics:
  7. I would if I could find some.
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