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Everything posted by Dale

  1. are you guys talking about meades honda or replying to the quote i made? yeah i think he has a red top in the front of the honda and some temporary ones in the back. Meade's Honda
  2. LOL...I know it can be a little confusing. I'd be happy to help if you have questions, though. Theres not enough time in a day to help me with computers. Mines hit and miss if it even works. I know stereo's but the inside of a computer scares me Naw....I bet you could do it if you tried.
  3. Sometimes, if you're lucky you may be able to achieve a speed higher than what is advertised by your ISP.
  4. The thing is you may think your connection is already fast and that may be true. But, more than likely, your computer MAY NOT be taking full advantage of it and thus, you can squeeze out some more life out of it. Namely, making pages load faster and downloads higher.
  5. yeah i think he has a red top in the front of the honda and some temporary ones in the back.
  6. OK now that's just wrong LOL
  7. I think this is a crock, or else he would have already posted pics. There is no way you can own a Jackhammer and not take pics of it :-
  8. Yeah...it's hard to keep up. It's like Polish is on crack tonite. J/K Polish, I still think you're cool...in a hyped up kinda sick way. :^
  9. If I remember correctly, isn't your spending limit $1400?
  10. What you think good subs come cheap? This ain't your average W7
  11. I dont think wood will suffice for a box for that "thing" I hope you have good welding skills.
  12. LOL...I know it can be a little confusing. I'd be happy to help if you have questions, though.
  13. Polish, you're really spontaneous aren't you?
  14. fa sho That's really tite dude. It's like the rims ARE on the car. The only way I can tell that you used photoshop is because the actual position of the car didn't change, but the rims did. This kinda gives me an idea.
  15. hell never be "bassing" if he owns blaupunkt. LOL oh man...you're so mean.
  16. I refuse to be pwned..... :- show me some pics. with YOU in them. Now. ^-^
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