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Status Updates posted by Bakerman

  1. Was it me, or did anyone else feel that?

  2. <---- is tired of putting cheesy lyrics as a status update.

  3. Def. the worst storm I've seen in a long time.

  4. After a long fun night in bed, the man rolls over and grabs a smoke. He asks the girl if she has a light, and she says the matches are in the top drawer. Upon opening the drawer, he sees a picture of a man. Worried, he asks the woman if this was her husband, and she assures him no. So, he asks if it is the boyfriend, and yet again, she says no. Curious, he asks, "Well, who is it?" With a smile on her face, she replies, "Silly, that was me before the operation."

  5. Day 32: No Bass This is getting old. Can't wait to get the rest of this build up and running.

    1. dwright27


      same way dude except its been since may for me. gotta ddcide if i wanna put amps in and amp rack together or go to sleep :-/

  6. Somewhere a cop is being yelled at for taking too long to get there; trying to save the life of a total stranger; holding his bladder because his MDT just went off; starving because he missed a meal; having to keep a stone face at an accident scene where there's 2 dead kids; and now its 4 am, and he's missing HIS family while taking care of YOURS. Re-post if you are a cop, love a cop, or appreciate a cop.

    1. LT.Smoke


      Got the utmost respect for em

  7. Johnny Cage is the man...just sayin.

  8. So, I'm on dodges website, and they are releasing a SRT8 6.4L Charger sometime this summer. I'm very interested!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azagtoth502
    3. 2loudisjustright


      This motor going to be make it to the challenger too?

    4. 2loudisjustright


      This motor going to be make it to the challenger too?

  9. If you got a smart phone, look up ChatMap by YodaLab. Pretty cool app.

  10. A crow is the physical manifestation of a soul that died in vein, or without reason.

  11. Sorry facebook....my computer suddenly died.

  12. So freakin bored...

  13. "Teen Suspended from School for Truancy" Anyone see something horribly wrong there?

  14. Thank you to everyone for all the birthday wishes.

  15. I wish my grass was emo. I could deal with the black, as long as it would cut itself.

  16. So, its my birthday...I'm gonna keep it good today. Get to go see the parents tonite, and also my papa, who just got out of the hospital. But one thing is for sure...working both jobs today is gonna make for a LONG day.

  17. I'm most certain that I put in alot more work than YOU to get to where I'm at today. So please, just shutup with your nonsense, and keep in your own business.

  18. I love hyow I can tell someone on ething, nd a week later it gets back to me something completely different.

  19. Ugh...such a long weekend. Can't wait till Monday nite when I'm in the bed and can get a full nights sleep.

  20. *Cop: I'm issuing a citation for speeding, 60 in a 35. Your court date is on...*Female Driver: But, I didn't think cops gave tickets to pretty women *cheesy smile"*Cop: Well, you are correct. We don't give tickets to pretty women. But as I was saying, your court date is in one month. See you there. Have a nice day.

    1. KnockinthaStreetzof608


      lmfao! nice you happen to catch her reaction?

  21. is pissed b/c apparently people like to "remember when" and I now have 200+ emails from facebook.

  22. Going to take a shower...bored. Guess Ill go to work early today.

  23. I don't have A.D.D. You just happen to be really boring.

  24. So, last night, Lilly fell asleep in her bed, like normal. When Amy woke up this morning, she was passed out on the couch. Sleepwalking must run in the family.

    1. BeatBox


      for some reason "StepBrothers" comes to my head lol

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