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Everything posted by PaulO2288

  1. Also have to remember, loud to the ear and meter are 2 completely different animals. I would rather be loud and sound good on music all day than burping it for 3 seconds
  2. Walling it behind the front seats and haveing a well built and designed box should deffintally do you good!
  3. Cool. I dont know if you have seen my other user name Storm8300, it stands for that reason, Storm equipment and ( 300's and (2) 800's. But im deffintalyl done and over bowling
  4. Ih8punkrok, I see your on the bowling team. Whats your average? I quit last year after averageing 217 and owning a proshop with my brother. I have knee problems and its my slideing knee and was starting to cost to much money to do.
  5. Thats exactally what im giong through. I had a 103 fever for 2 days, extremely sore throat, ears hurt like hell, could not get warm not matter what, going to doctors today for even more medicine. Im taking flu and allergy medicine every 4 hours, sleeping a lot, drinking alot of fluids also. Doctors going to tell me i have the flu. You might have that also
  6. Yeah the Giants defense was pretty damn good. Both had errors but the Giants deffinitally played better. I should have rooted for my home team lol. But I wanted to see the Pats go 19-0. Was cool for both my favorite teams to be in the superbowl together
  7. Got to go on a cheese run, ill be right back LOL. Other than that they kind of sucked
  8. Yeah. We had a guy break into a ladies house and through a roof skylight and fall through and cut himself on a kitchen cutting knife, sued the lady for $1 Million and won. The laws on the criminals side. It sucks
  9. Diet Soda's are acutally worse than non diet. I love Pepsi and Drink that and Rasberry Ice Tea Everyday!
  10. Hell Yeah! I agree. I just missed beating the piss out of the kids who did it to my shit. But they will get karma as you said! I wuold have freaking killed them!
  11. Damn hope you have a speed recovery. I put a drill into my wrist by accident about 3 years ago. 63 internal stiches and a crap load of external. I dident think the drill was through the wood yet that i was holding and boom it was and i pushed down and it went into my wrist. Maybe i can get pics later.
  12. 4 15"s or 4 18"s would be pretty sick! Absolutely
  13. Cone Area BABY! If you had 4 12"s you would need 2 18"s to have more cone area.
  14. I had the one on the top and it sounded like ass!!! IT sucked so bad to be honest. I have this now and its 10000x better http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1142290023716
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