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Everything posted by bkolfo4

  1. The DC resistance is the resistance of the coil when DC current is applied. Has nothing to do with the position of the coil. The impedance is the resistance of the coil when AC is applied. Since the coil acts like an inductor, the impednace changes with frequency. What people call impedance rise is due to the woofer being put in a box. If you look at the impedance plot of a woofer in free air, the impedance rises at the resonant frequency of the driver. Once in the box, the cone has a different reaction with pressure behind it, which can change the impedance plot. You also have new impedance spikes due to the box size, port tuning, etc. Impedance rise may in fact not even be a higher impedance at all frequencies (more than likely will be an increase in the overall average, but the spike at the driver's resonant frequency may still be the highest impedance). Many times it is just additional humps/spikes in the impedance plot, or even changing of the impedance spike seen with the woofer in free air. For someone playing music, the additional humps/spikes will increase the average impedance seen while playing music. For someone burping at a single frequency, they need to know the impedance at their frequency to match the amp to the sub. There is a good chance the impedance will be higher near the frequency they burp at, since it not far above port tuning. For the average person, ignore "impedance rise". The hardcore competitor uses the actual true impedance to his advantage to get all the power he can from the amps Brian
  2. Add the AA Mayhem or the SMD subs. PM me your zip code and I can get you dealer info if you are interested in either of these. Brian
  3. Put it back in the original position I told you to put it in (above the do loop) and then see what happens if you type in the wrong letter. Brian
  4. did you move that line to the other location? If not, it will error if you type in anything other than m the first time. It needs to be inside that do loop so it kills the new line each time enter is pressed. Once you get more advanced, there are ways to get rid of that new line character. There are functions that do it for you, or you store the variables as stings instead of characters. You read the string until you see the new line. At that point, the new line is gone and the input is wating for the next character. C++ is much better for input and output. Brian
  5. you could also add another variable just to read in that null character.
  6. sorry, add it here: if (a==999) { printf("\nCorrect\n"); printf("Next Question\n"); printf("\n"); do { scanf("%c" , &; printf("\nThe 13th letter of the alphabet is:"); scanf("%c" , &; if (b=='m') { printf("\nCorrect\n"); printf("Next Question\n"); In the other position, it will only work one time - it will not work the second time if you input the wrong letter.
  7. It is buffering the new line when you hit enter after typing 999. Make this change and try it: if (a==999) { printf("\nCorrect\n"); printf("Next Question\n"); printf("\n"); do { scanf("%c" , &; printf("\nThe 13th letter of the alphabet is:"); scanf("%c" , &; if (b=='m') { printf("\nCorrect\n"); printf("Next Question\n");
  8. If you do not type 999 the first time, it should say incorrect and ask again as long as the number you typed was below 1000. . .anything over 1000 should end the program.
  9. did you type 999 the first time or 666? I messed up when typing.
  10. type 999 for the number, then m for the letter, then type in 555 for the number. Should ask for the number again without anything about the letter. When it does, type 1001. Want to see what the first loop does and if the program will actually end.
  11. change the while statement to b != 'm' instead of b== 'all the letters'. When you input the m, the program should go back and ask you to input the opposite of 666 again, since 999 is less than 1000. It does not like the condition of that while statement. I thought you had to say while (b=='a' || b=='b' || b=='c' . . .etc. || is the OR statement. change it to b != 'm' and run it. Wish I had a C compiler. Brian
  12. It could be that you have a new line character in the buffer and it is reading it as the character the first time through. . . What happens if you type an m at that point, and what happens if you type another character at that point? Also note you can say if b != 'm' in that while statement instead of typing == and all of the letters of the alphabet. Brian
  13. Can you cut and paste what happens when you run the program? Been a long time since I have programmed, and I learned C++.
  14. To start with, you have 'm' in the if statement and the while statement, so even if you enter, m, it will ask the question again. Fix that and then tell me what it does.
  15. It is around 13-14 ft. It is also 1.5" thick everywhere except the top which is 2.25" thick. Big port tuned low took up a lot of volume too! Brian
  16. I work in the electrical department at Peterbilt. Those large case alts are normally ~180-200 amp. Great cooling - They can run 200 amps for hours at a time with no problems. Also made to last MUCH longer than a normal car alt, since a Class 8 truck will normally run 100-120k miles per year.
  17. Might be louder. My suburban was louder sub and port back. . .
  18. Look at the t/s specs for each one. There are differences. . .
  19. Unless I missed something, the 0.7 is the DCR of the coil, not the impedance. They are still Dual 1 ohm or Dual 2 ohm nominal impedance subs. Man Steve - Love the pics with them sitting with the BTL's. Anyone that has owned a BTL now knows just how crazy these subs must look in person! Brian
  20. That is what I told him. Sub on each side, port in the middle. Easily end up with ~8 ft with 125 sqin of port. Brian
  21. More than enough room. If you need help with the box design, PM me. Brian
  22. IA 40.1's. $710 shipped each.
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