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Everything posted by 08tahoe

  1. it really is as easy as it sounds...If my moron neighbor can do it in the garage anyone can Ok it just seemed harder.. And
  2. Call a dealer see if have stock spring in stock... I tried that and they didn't, thanks though
  3. Thanks, I guess that's what I'm gonna have to do. It just seems harder since I've never done it before but sounds like its pretty easy then. So I won't need a spring compressor?
  4. I looked at my manual yesterday but I didn't find it but then again I was at work on lunch break in a hurry so maybe I didn't look good enough. Imma check it again and see if its in there. Thanks!
  5. Does anyone know how I can find out the length and diameter of my cars rear springs withought having to take them out? I have a 2007 honda accord 4door, and I need some taller rear springs cause of all the weight in the back and my 22s, I already have spacers in them but I lifted it as far as they can go so I wanna try to find the height and diameter of my stock ones so I can get some that are about 2.5" taller. I tried googling it and I called honda and they just said to look it up on the internet cause they didn't have that info. So can someone please help? Thanks!
  6. I'm glad I read this post because I have the same issue and I thought there was something wrong with my dc alt but now I feel better. When it happens in my car I have my radio down so I know its not my system causing it, but when it happens I just turn my a/c on low and my voltage jumps back up to normal, but now that I know what it is then I don't gotta worry bout it.
  7. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/115478-anyone-know-a-15ohm-stable-amp/page__p__1621143__fromsearch__1#entry1621143
  8. With a 12v batt and your car on then your voltage should be at about 14.4 cause that's around what your alt charges at.
  9. Beats by dre has some for 199, I'm on mobile so I can't really post a link but check out crutchfield.com
  10. I like spm's music, but the hooks kill his songs a lot of the time, cause like tonedeaf said "the singers are terrible" lol. Here is a few that I like. Hope they work cause I'm on my cell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlzDGQ5ffzE
  11. youtube.com/watch?v=uNU2XDoUtlI I hope that works? Thanks, it does work
  12. Nevermind, I figured out how to do it
  13. Do u got a link cause I can't see the one u posted on my cell phone
  14. If you don't wanna try them in parallel then You'd probably see the most out of the sub and amp by just running one sub to that amp
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