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Everything posted by Sheena

  1. running looks hilarious if done properly, the first time i got it properly done (only to around 12M) i couldnt stop laughing.
  2. anyone able to do a complete backflip yet? i can get my legs over my head, but i land on my stomach
  3. yeah i thought it was a AA mayhem.. then i realized.. noo.. its the mayhem of the sub
  4. 1.8 net tuned to 35 with the proper port per sq in should be perfect imo. killed by clipping would be my guess if we're guessing o.O. nice little video of the skar 12" though, i got two of them and now i know what they look like :]
  5. Weld a handle to an SMD??? Most expensive sledge hammer ever!!! but that shit will pound.
  6. im still waiting for someone to either. weld a large piece of steel to a smd 18" or photoshop this being done.
  7. at&t cap works as follows. at&t normal internet is 150GB per month, these are the speeds from their lowest service up to their 6mb package. at&t uverse internet is 250GB per month, these are the speeds from 12mb through their highest package. comcast is, as far as i know 250gb across the board. Verizon FiOS as far as i know, is no cap (for now). the only thing im 100% about is the at&t service because we just jumped from 6mb/s to uverse throughout the house and the 12mb/s package. as maxim said, unless your streaming netflix for about 15 hours a day you're fine. but browsing the internet, youtubing, uploading pics, you'll never hit your cap. also, as far as i can see from my personal use, uploading does NOT effect your cap, only downloading.
  8. i think everyone should know that: the pre-sale ends jan 15th so send kevin your orders while you can. please refer to this link for more information on pre-orders.
  9. in my area the wal-mart, autozone, pepboyz, o-riley carry only wet cell. when i bought my car in 09 it came with a wet cell, had to pour some distilled in it.
  10. i think its absolutely hilarious how many of you have nothing to contribute to this thread other than "YO BRO "they" stupid" look, i wasnt taking notes and taking everything to heart on what i was hearing, i told them im putting a sealed xs power batt under the hood. they said sealed was a bad idea under the hood, i asked why, answer "they can swell" changed the subject and an hour later i went home. logged on here, asked a simple question which has just been answered. i honestly cant see the big deal on this guys information especially if it was ignored and questioned later to the experts. if theres any confusion, xs power was getting my money before, and they still are, i was simply curious about the situation. its like someone telling me theres a bomb in my car, now, am i going to ignore them and be like pft lmfao w/e bro you're stupid. or am i going to call people who know about bombs?
  11. thanks a lot for answering this nathan, i wont EVER be charging above 14.4, i think when my car starts it peaks at 14.8 even. and as far as demoing goes, if i demo it will only be for a few songs, nothing lengthy. while im driving the airflow will keep the temp down as well. thanks again for the honest answer, and again i didnt have a conversation with anyone on battery swelling or this company sucks or that company is bad just simply, sealed batteries can swell. hearing that was enough for me to ask my own questions to the experts, not the person i heard it from, but the experts. hearing the answer straight from the horses mouth, cant get more expert than that.
  12. could it be possible to add this information into the "SKAR VVX Subwoofer Series (8" 10" 12" & 15" Models)" sticky? or is that a no-no. and yes, i was actually curious because i own two VVX 12"s and eventually i'll have to do this so thanks for that info :]
  13. oh nvm thats the highest number javascript can work with -2,147,483,647 - +2,147,483,647 and yes dax, he can have a max positive rating of 2,147,483,647
  14. i just lol'd so hard i spit my mcdonalds on my keyboard n8. you smashed your hand on the keyboard and hit random numbers. lmfao Reputation: -2147483647 Bad
  15. well regardless what the meter says, if you hook positive from the amp to the positive on the sub, negative on the amp, negative on the sub and you get no sound its a sub issue. especially when you hook another sub up to the amp, turn it on and it plays. skar does sell recone kits i do believe, theres not a sticky on it so you'll have to ask kevin or malib00m
  16. 3.5 cu ft for a single 12 on over its rms is wayyy too big imo. even after displacements i figure your box is at MINIMUM 2.25 cu ft net. the box you have i would say is only good for 4-650w rms, anything over that and your probably hurting the sub. again, this is just my opinion, but its something that maybe you should look into. big box = low watts smaller box = higher watts (source, many members from here in their build logs, etc etc..)
  17. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/128073-how-do-i-have-bad-rep/page__hl__reputation BOOM.
  18. chances are someone doesnt like you or something you said, so they gave you a thumbs down (in the bottom right hand of your post you can see + -). also the chances are creating a useless topic like this will also not help your cause and give you further thumbs down. ive noticed that people dont really care about your "reputation" through the SMD thumbs up or thumbs down, but rather how you talk to people, how you offer advice, etc.
  19. as previously stated wasnt a shop lol, i'd never ask a question at a shop because of exactly that reason. they'd try and sell me their brand. but thank you ami customs for that type of response, the kind that actually helps. can it happen? yes if it happens xs fixes it for shipping. (in your situation anyways) eventually i'll be buying a xs for under my hood, i just did not want to be blind on something i was buying myself, it works perfect for others, cool, but for my situation ima ask questions. so again thanks guys, my question was answered.
  20. wasnt a shop lol, i'd never ask a question at a shop because of exactly that reason. they'd try and sell me their brand. so just a straight answer regardless of who i heard it from. sealed is fine for a few years under the hood? (hhr ed said fine, and im not questioning him) but im still open to hear a more scientific reason if possible because if i ever try and persuade someone into buying a sealed agm, they will want to know why.
  21. ive noticed this as well but most the people that build get snow or cold temps all the time, the coldest we get here is like 34, then the next day its 97. i was doubting that sealed under the hood would be an issue because of exactly that reason, i just like to be sure though. but then again i have 0% exp in this field so who am i to question someone who has experience.
  22. i dont think their expertise really matters more than the question does. its a good question, regardless if they know what they are talking about or not.
  23. thats good news. i also park in the shade for most of the day, but if i leave it in the sun i imagine that it gets to about 145 under the hood or higher in the summer
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