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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Everything posted by Bump4life

  1. i was expecting a little bit better response out of you fizzy ahah. i was waiting for it.
  2. pretty cool!! now i just need 4 people with those setups around my car with H/O alts and i can run all day demoing at a show with my engine off
  3. the wire is rated at 400Amps but realistically it can prolly do 300-350 @ 17 ft. but the runs are all 3 feet. so i guess 400 amps. but this is just hypothetical. just curious how one would fuse the DC 10k. and how come the amp manuals say to fuse at x amps then?
  4. i know that. so whats the cheapest one that will work well? im not one to buy something shitty. like what do i look for when buying these? true rms like hunter said?
  5. thanks hunter. anyone else tell me why i shouldnt buy a 30 dollar clamp meter?
  6. what is wrong with this http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_SPM5493556002?mv=rr or this http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_03482369000P?vName=Tools&cName=ElectriciansTools&sName=Multi-Meters%20&%20Metersmv=rr
  7. i could do that. it is 93 after savings. not bad if its a good one/
  8. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=clamp+meter&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=xnl&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=624&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=5574046178671918727&sa=X&ei=TzoWUNK5NOW26wHoz4DgAw&ved=0CHUQ8wIwAQ is that one good?
  9. cheap. i want the cheapest one that does the job well. gimme options under 50? are there any? under 100? no more than 100. but max budget is 50-75. but if i have to go to 100 i possibly could.
  10. looks great Meade!! always a fan of what you do with these cars. you turn them all from ordinary to extraordinary with class and style. they don't end up looking like a ricer, just clean and classy. i wish i could hear this thing, i bet its gonna sound great. so many great ideas i have gotten from this build alone! cant wait to see this finished
  11. I want to buy a clamp meter but dont have a ton of cash. which clamp meter should i buy that is cheap but also reliable and will give me an accurate reading. i dont necessarily need the peak hold feature but it would be nice. but if its a lot more i dont need it. i have friends and a long cord for my ipod. thanks in advance
  12. i believe you haha. now anyone else with answers to my questions!!??
  13. i made that up as an example. wasnt trying to make it sound like you said it. sorry. you do know i dont have a DC 10k right? ya I kno I'm just saying what I would do on a dc 10k and I've made up my mind. Running 1/0 ofc wire it supposedly maxes at 300amps right? So I'd run 300amp fuses on each ahah ok thanks. finally someone has a response to my question. thanks man you made my night ahha. thats all i wanted to hear. sorry for taking it out on you earlier. just everyone went off and just said random stuff. but it may have been my fault i dont know. i just want to know how someone would fuse that monster of an amp.
  14. i made that up as an example. wasnt trying to make it sound like you said it. sorry. you do know i dont have a DC 10k right?
  15. sick video man!! a lot of cool rides there and huge bass
  16. i know you all are only trying to help. but lets get some people that run big amps to chime in. like purple syrup and snow drifter, what size fuse do you have on your amps? and my question still is does anyone know how to fuse the DC10k? ahha
  17. i dont want to hear that again in my thread. thanks for trying to help but cmon man, really, you are using your own experience as an example? run what the manufacturere recs for that amp. Im not retarded here, how would you fuse the DC 10k if you had it? would you just put in a 100a fuse in 1 power then maybe 50A on the other 2 powers and if they blow then move up to 200 amp fuses each. then if you wire it down and draw serious power... see what im saying? didnt answer my question. if you look in my sig and see the equipment im running and checked out my build log or scores ive put up then maybe you woulda thought twice before posting that one. im sorry i just chewed you up man. its late. im tired. but for what ever reason your post pissed me off the most. it didnt answer my question, it stated the obvious, and it is a stupid way to go about it. sorry guys for being so pissed off.
  18. and no one answered my question. was it not clear enough. i personally dont have a DC 10k. i was just wanting to know how you would fuse it, jyust for my personal knowledge. and i also wanted to know if it was worth fusing a big amp like that. i know where to buy fuses if anyone read what was posted. sorry to sound like a dick guys if i am sounding like one, but read what i asked then look at your posts. my questions were: 1. what is proper way to fuse a DC 10k? this is just for my personal knowledge. 2. Where to buy fuses at? i already answered this myself in 3rd post in this thread. then this was my question again: quote from me: "now do we still fuse the amps? does it increase resistance a lot of we use too small of a fuse and it heats up?" snowdrifter was kinda close in answering, maybe i should be more specific. for a daily application, not a burp, will a smaller fuse that "slow blows" and its metal integrity slowy decreases everytime you draw a lot of current, increase resistance on the power wire and be bad for the amp and or limit power getting to amp due to higher resistance? yea you may be able to do it once, but how about everyday, for daily application.
  19. nvm found where to buy fuises legit. i remember this site from anohter post https://vtewarehouse.com/content/electromech/fuse/html/anl/anlfuse.php now do we still fuse the amps? does it increase resistance a lot of we use too small of a fuse and it heats up?
  20. so i was just watching the video for the DC 10k. i was then looking at the specs on it. its fuse rating is 1000 amps. so i know it has 3 sets of power and ground so when fusing that do you put 350 amp fuses on each wire? i guess this is going to help me figure out how to fuse my new amp. so when fusing a large amp do you still use fuses? if so where to buy 350 amp fuses or 300 amp fuses that are quality? i know knu sells a 300 amp one.
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