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Everything posted by getlocivic

  1. cars like that caddy with the sony amps n woofers.. they should have a banner on the side "sponsored by walmart" shit cracks me up
  2. thnx for the song man...i would post videos but i have no camera.. and im waiting for my recones to come in (i got a little too gain happy and ripped some spiders) but hell yea send me some more songs lol.. ialso have a couple songs that my dude specially made for me.. i can send ya those if you want.. believe 1 songs is 24hz 26hz and 30hz the other is pretty much constant 29hz
  3. can you send me that bass mechanik song from th 2nd video... i got a feeling that will kill in my car
  4. i used to have a 90 honda crx.. i ran 4 of the 8" lanzar max.. (beefy surround).. on a memphis 1000d.. in the proper box they sounded just phenominal.. killed from the 28hz bass to the 45hz bass..they lasted me well over a year too and it was user error when they died.. it was a super cold wimter mornin (like 15 below) and i gave them too much juice before they warmed up and ripped a spider
  5. damn i didnt notice they changed to cheap 4g inputs.. hell my old model t1000 had 0g.. with what kinda apms that 1500 draws it should have 0g still 0g front to back and then maybe distro block it to 4g at the amp.. that way you can run both amps off the 0g instead of tryign to "overload" the 4g
  6. rockford 1500 needs 0 gauge always do the big 3 in 0 gauge.. and deending on the size of alt you have im going to guess around a 150 amp or so (maybe less).. i would upgrade the underhood battery like a xs power 3400 or something.. the biggest battery you can fit under the hood...and then monitor your voltage drop and physically see how low it goes and go from there.. me myself i dont like to see aything below 12.6 on my amps
  7. ^^ no u cannot use a sealed box and "turn it into" a ported box.. ported boxes are larger to make up for port displacement and such unless your working with a stupid large box.. example a single 12 sealed box is prolly around 1.2 1.5 cubes at most a general ported 12 box needs to be 2 cubic foot or bigger (or smaller depending on sub application)
  8. i editied the post as soon as i posted it.. like literally and yes aqs will take wayyy over rated power.. my buddy had 2 aq hdc3 12s on a sundown 4500d at 1/2ohm just killin em he beat on them daily they took the abuse (thermally) but eventually he ripped the spiders n shit
  9. ^^ my post says 2200.. and yea they are "rated" for 1k lolololo... ive personally seen a standard copper coil hdc3 take 2500watts for 20mins before it started getting warm
  10. single aq1200 on 2 hdc3 12s.. lol 2.5 cubes net each tuned to 32 to 38hz and about 15 to 16inches of port per cubic foot those aqs will laugh at a 2200d if you dont clip them and such
  11. the se was the low line.. its still a american made woofer that can be rebuilt with some nasty softparts.. i ran a pair of sx 15s in a 96 eclipse i had.. was doing 47s and 48s legal easily and they lasted forever and got hella low
  12. uhh.. why why why did u do that to a beautiful sub?? that ruins the whole thing I.M.O also you prolly could have got a better score with a better designed box
  13. steve is a busy guy give him time plus hes tryin to get it signed by 2 atrists that im sure are always go go go.. steve always comes thru on his give aways just chill
  14. i got a customer coming thru tomorrow wants me to install his 4 aq sd2.5 10s and a single 2200d.. i hope they get bizzy
  15. you dont really need to get a 200 250amp alt inorder to run safely.. shit i know a bunch of people who run the HIGH AMPS ebay alts and they work wonders.. the best option if your on a budget if you can get a 150 160 amp alt id go with a better under hood battery and the 3100in back.. xs power is a 10yr life design.. kinetik is like 5yrs if i recall right and always do the big 3 upgrade. you can get a bigger alt if you want but its not a must bc your stock alt is somewhere around 60 80 amps or so..
  16. if your not exact itll prolly be closer to 11 anyways lol..not many ppl have steady hands.. soo i take it as you got yourself a solid box design from somebody??
  17. 10.9 exact bc u dont want play in the holes...nice tight fit is best
  18. or u can take the mounting gasket off and use that for the template
  19. it says 276MM whatever the fuck that equals out to
  20. u know what hang on 1 min i have 1 of the sheets they send in the box.. ill go find it
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