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Status Updates posted by JacobGruber

  1. Watch out Bernanke, your about to be uncovered.

  2. Totally bossed that interview, will know Tuesday.

  3. Inviting Loeb to the X games.... Bad idea. LOL.

  4. R.I.P. Carrol Shelby. Your name will live on, and so will your cars.

    1. OrionStang
    2. KillaCam


      Fuckin' Gruber.

    3. BeatBox


      the late bus is here, guess who is at the wheel :worthless:

  5. GOAL.... (Insert 10 seconds here.) GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Horrible weekend. First time I've ever begged for Monday. It seems to get worse and worse as it goes.

    1. OrionStang


      Ummm, its barely Thursday, man.

    2. KillaCam


      Monday comes, status update: "My family hates me and I have no dick :("

    3. OrionStang
  7. :D New Lostprophets Album come out tomorrow, Slackers after work!

  8. The more you think, the less you act their ways. ~Lostprophets

  9. Can't these storms leave us alone for a day. Then what am I saying, it's God mad at the Santorum supporters of Missouri for what they did at the St. Charles county caucus.

  10. My God, I might actually get to bed on time tonight. This English project is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111ONEONE!!!11

  11. Every aspect of a NASCAR race was fulfilled yesterday/today. Good work men, and Danica, I was entertained.

    1. OrionStang


      Danica??? The bitch wrecked on lap two. Not surprised. That is on bandwagon I will never jump on.

    2. Lbox88


      Why women should not drive, proven yet again.

    3. n8ball2013


      id jump her bandwagon.;

  12. Craziest Daytona 500 EVER.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      Crazy. Biggest fire I Have seen in nascar

    4. OrionStang


      Wonder why, first time there's ever been a jet-fuel fire LOL

  13. He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. ~ Benjamin Franklin

  14. Wow, that was worth staying up for. Out of 24 hours of racing, the 1st to 2nd gap was 5 seconds.

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