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Status Updates posted by bbron12

  1. Fact: strawberries trump blueberries in terms of awesomeness.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KillaCam


      Highly debatable. Also depends on what you're making with them.

    3. Purplehaze



      I'll take blue berries!

    4. Lbox88


      Pro strawberry: afrodisiac

      Pro Blueberry: Everything else

  2. the fun starts when the turbo spools

    1. BeatBox


      then it stops when u see blue and red light behind you

    2. OrionStang


      Is this the Subie guy?

  3. Swimming with Kelly John and Justin Wanke, now time to chillax. Still way to tired!

  4. Got the carb cleaned and tuned and the breaks tightened up, and the new wheeler is working pretty well!

  5. just went for a nice long cruise in my car, now maybe fishing or idk.

  6. Got my P1 rims and tires on, look awesome and it handles alot better! Ill trade a little more tire noise for better handling and acceleration any day.

  7. In a test between the new subaru brz and a 1997 4 door wrx, the wrx was much faster and received much better ratings. The brz got 3.5 stars while the 97got 5 stars. Both cars were stock. It also was noted that the new style engine sounded like a civic, and had no subaru rumble at all. Basicaly it looks good, but subaru should stick with awd, and turbos...

  8. vacation started, hotel booked and just bought my ticket for WBM!

  9. Plastic chair looked okay from the top, wondered why it was by the dumpster, sat in it, and it broke... my ass on the ground... surprisingly, no white horse came to my rescue from out of nowhere...

  10. no fish tonight...

  11. really wanting to get flares for my car

  12. Prodrive P1 Rims today!

  13. Good day today, picked up a Perrin short ram intake from Dan Sweeney, then picked up a dirt bike with Garrett Holler and Kia Warren. Time to chillax.

  14. Just picked up my Prodrive P1 rims, wrapped with Dunlop star spec Z1 tires!

  15. You only need two tools in life -- WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.

  16. Got the majority of the electrical fixed on the wheeler. When a safety switch is broken, short it out. now just need to figure out now why its not getting spark.

  17. Oil change done, now the engine has all new fluids. What else to do with my day...

  18. Okay, kids, the letter for today is 'W', as in WBM, and more importantly, 'Wheres my damn 'W' for WRX?'

  19. about 50 subarus heading to WBM, and 1 evo, guess who rearends some old lady in a buick? The evo. Jaws of life had to pull the front end out so it couldmove. Bam.

  20. Inspection all set, and timing belt done!

  21. every vehicle is better with a little custom flare to it

  22. just passed a new fiat abarth on the way to midd. looks nice, to bad its Chrysler...think im going to touch up my trunk a little more today and mount my turbos coolent lines in a better spot

  23. happy 4th everyone!

  24. good day today. good food and swimming with Sara Carr, then cookout and movie with Garrett Holler, Kia Warren and Kelly John

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