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Everything posted by loganberry

  1. it looks good from a craftsmanship stand point, but holy shit....u would lose your own car thats ALOT of camo
  2. thats what i did in the x...but yea no big i dont have the money for everything at once now anyway, so ill just get door speakers first anyway
  3. i can get the 5 1/4 for 150, the 6.5's for 200, which one will give me better mid bass, and ill b runnin them with no amp for a while
  4. half and half, but whatever he said its cause we have other things to do now, but idk its lame he didnt say no tho
  5. its lame imo, he did the stereo thing when he was younger but yea, he didnt say no, he just said right now, the hell with it ill just get 6 1/2 and make em fit
  6. i dont think 6 1/2 will work, so ima order 2 sets of 5 1/4 tommorr, will those give me good mid too? i think steve had the 6's
  7. *cough cough* not my fault no actions have happened yet, i gotta run all things i wanna do thru pops (which i dont understand cause im payin for the truck) so i can do door speakers now, but no subs WTF!!!
  8. are hertz good? ive never heard of them, i just want something with good mid bass, something that gets LOUD and clear
  9. ill just order them, they sounded good in person, wasnt aware ive actually heard them, lol
  10. no thanks, ive been inside the civit, i didnt kno those were 6.5s
  11. im lookin at the power series 6.5 component set, has any1 heard these, how will these do for mid bass for now till i get subs, and for treb when i do get subs, ill b running them off a 800.4, are they good sounding and quality?
  12. this really sucks, but whenever you think you have hit bottom just think, once you hit the bottom, you have no where to go but up
  13. kinetiks are good, powermaster are great too, thats what steve uses
  14. look awesome, i want a box like that... damn i wish i knew how to fiberglass
  15. lol we like big tv's here too.....so much easier to see everything i wouldnt turn down the plasma.....we have a nice wall in the bathroom
  16. i use limewire too, but my comp is incredible (my lil baby) its a year old and i spent ALOT on it, so its got a bomb ass burner
  17. burned cds quality has alot to do with the cd itself, the way ur burning it, the speed, program ur using, the burner...when i burn cd's mine sound just as good as a regular cd u buy from the store
  18. how would 1 of these compare to 2 12" kicker cvt's? there are videos of them in the vid section
  19. dont listen to brands, imo every brand has something good going for them...it does pound i use 2 12" cvt's on a kenwood amp, and i can throw in anything and have it hit as hard as jeezy, and sound clean doing so
  20. i payed 60 for mine on ebay, mine is soundstream works hella good for me, perfect for country, old rock, anything that has bass, but you cant hear it really, just be careful tho, they are strong
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