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Everything posted by aerickson

  1. Yea I just thinks its cool that they r taking like 3k apiece.
  2. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=9X4Xnk9x0RI It doesn't work
  3. what... its a fiberglass enclosure..... not the moon landing My bad, brain fart there for a second. It would be cool tho. its kool, my brain farts all day. its gettin late for me.
  4. what... its a fiberglass enclosure..... not the moon landing My bad, brain fart there for a second. It would be cool tho.
  5. All glass box is that a first?
  6. well damn that's some good stuff.
  7. well congrats on the new amp if u get it
  8. Try it and see what happens. U might need another hc2400 just in case. But try first.
  9. that's to funny.My question is who paid that person to write the review and info on it. Like its so korny.
  10. Crescendo is a good brand. It does more than rated and doesn't blow easy. For electrical run zero gauge to the rear batt. Big 3 also. What size is ur alt.
  11. Do one for now. Push it good and if it blows use the other one.
  12. Yea. Try it and if its to much turn gain down.
  13. For loudness u want a combo of both I think. Plus the enclosure is a big part. People get loud with 1300 watts or w/e and get hit a 140 give or take.
  14. Still 2. I wouldn't risk goin over rms
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