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Status Updates posted by Casket

  1. 76 degrees and sunny, not a damn thing to do....

  2. Anyone heard anything from Crescendo lately? I'm still waiting on a pair of black FT1's...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jessica


      its crescendo, you send an email, wait 4 weeks, get a vague reply about customs or something, rinse, repeat.

    3. Karkov


      exactly. they are worst CS....

  3. I wonder what Arsenio's doing now. He's prolly at a wine and cheese party. If you don't tell him how good the cheese is, he'll be mad...

  4. Is it wrong if i just sit on SMD all day refreshing front page, reading countless threads? I think not :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Casket


      Amen brother.

    3. RiottStarr


      Its what I do...

    4. jdshott


      Nope i do it all day @ work lmao!!! then i cheat on my wife with the forum (her words not mine)!!

  5. Screwed by USPS yet AGAIN. I should expect disappointment by now but....

  6. SHCA 4ga and 400' of 14ga speaker wire coming tomorrow. Can't wait !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wood


      I installed my 4ga last weekend, My 0ga came today and that stuff is BEEFY!

    3. Miguels


      my wire has been lost for 2 days now.. Jon will take care of it if it remains the same by the weekend

    4. Karkov


      I was dealing with my 1/0 and 2/0 from SHCA in the cold yesterday and wow, still so flexible, love it!

  7. Thank you for the decals, CT sounds. Much appreciated.

    1. Nick580


      Same! Thanks CT Sounds I got mine a few days ago and they look great!

  8. What happened to the skar /AD1 dnyo test thread? lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. meade916


      i didn't see one. Should be no reason for it to disappear unless the O.P. deleted it.

    3. Keith77


      Im pretty sure the OP deleted it.

    4. Casket


      Does not surprise me much... lol

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