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Everything posted by truthsayer

  1. There are just a few things i would like to bring to everyone's attention, then i will end this discussion. While trying to play the devil's advocate, these are some of the issues that trouble me. 1- We now know what the victim had done earlier in the day, which helps in understanding his mentality and character. 2- These witness statements dont seem to jive together. 3-Also In this day in age, where it seems everyone tries to video the police catching them in wrong doings. It is a little off putting when there is no video of this, with all these so called witness's. Unless there is video and it shows the officer may be in the wright, might explain why we aren't seeing any video of the incident. 4- We now know the officer had to be treated for his injuries, which would lead one to speculate there was a combative confrontation. So while my sympathy goes out to the victim's family, we should also remember what the other side is going through.
  2. They will not deny you a permit for a peacefull protest. Nothing in constitution discuss the permit issue, this was done later as to protect those who are protesting. You need one so streets can be blocked off, as not to impeade traffic, so other groups do not interfear with your protest.( police protection) there are numerous resons for a permit. It's not a bad thing. And helps the protesters in the long run.
  3. Was their maybe to much force used, yes. But it's not the police's job to tell you the law, rather than to inforce the law. It is every citizens job to know the law. Ignorance of the law, is no excuse for breaking the law. edit: as i stated before, their will always be good and bad people in any organization, and would should not judge the entire organization based on a few indivisuals actions.
  4. Sensai: you may want to read from the ACLU. https://www.aclu.org/free-speech/know-your-rights-demonstrations-and-protests Just as i stated a permit is required unless you stay on the sidewalk, and we all know that didn't happen. Edit: hell when does a protest actually ever stay on the sidewalk? Pull a permit and a lot of these issues would not happen.
  5. I see your point, but you also have to see the officers point. Knowing these protest now a days never turn out peacefull. Hell even after a sports team win's a championship, they do this same shit. And when you are protesting with a mob of people, not permitted, you are breaking the law. Disturbing the peace, intimidating citizens and so on and so on. Let's face it, we all know what it means, when a group of people with a mon mentality are out shouting, No Justice, No peace. Edit: Sorry i dont know of any city that doesnt require you to have a permit to gather a group of people (usually more than 20) to protest. Yes you have the right to protest under the constitution. but you still need that permit when you have a gathering of a group of people on city property. The permit keeps you from getting in trouble from breaking all sorts of laws. (impeading traffic, jaywaling, disturbing the peace, all sorts of shit)
  6. Their will always be groups of people and individuals, who look for any excuse to break the law. We don't know as of yet the full story, yet the police officer in a lot of peoples mine has been convicted, just because he was white and the deceased was black. The black panthers have asked that all the brothers and sisters take up arms, and now have a bounty out for the officer. Now if there where other groups doing this they would be arrested asap. Now those whining about the protest and their right to do so. Yes they have that right, however, none of the protest turned out to be peacefull, nor was a permit ever applied for, to do the protest. Now before you think i am sticking up for the police, i am not. Some of you know the story of my father and the police. However, I at least have the common sense not to judge an entire organization, for a few bad apples. If a person is to have that sort of mind set, you might as well damn, the whole human race. And once again the president has to stick his nose into it, instead of doing the job that he needs to be doing. And are attorney general Eric Holder has to get involved. Yet these two individuals never seem to get involved when this happens to a white, asian, hispanic etc, when these type of things happen almost on a daily basis. And the Al Sharpton's of the world never seem to get involved with the black on black crime happening on a daily basis, because iy doesn't fit into their race bating. You will always have those who complain about the police in a sense being to involved in their neighborhood. They want the police to stay out and leave them alone, then when something happens, they want to know, where the hell were the police. It's just really sad these things seem to boil down to race and discrimination. It does seem as we are going backwards. Things where not this bad 30yrs ago. Yet today their are those who make their money by turning everything into a race issue. end rant.
  7. If you have the power to push the Sa's, i say get'm. And put your e10's in your girls car.
  8. This question has been asked before, and XS chimed in and said they do extremely well in the cold weather environment.
  9. Well Kylar i see you edited your post pretty quick. I did not say whether he did it or not. Only stating what it appeared to be. The indent you spoke of before you edited it, is him pushing in on the surround. And since you edit your post, i will not continue my statement.
  10. Not taking one side or the other, that is for Sundown to decide. However if you look closely at the pic,rather than a screwdriver poke or rip, it looks more like a cut form a box knife.
  11. Did you buy it from Amazon, or threw Amazon from another dealer ? If it's from another dealer, that's why. If it's actually sold from Amazon, they should cover it. So speak to Amazon again (if it's from then and not a dealer selling threw them), explain to them they shipped you a broken sealed hazardous product and they should cover it. Odds are they wont ship the old one back, but will replace it.
  12. Sufficient for what. What may be good to your liking, may not be good for another's liking. No one can give you a straight answer without knowing what you are looking for, and even then their are other factors that come into play.
  13. I wouldn't mess around anymore. Just get your money back anyway you can. Once I guy tells you he already shipped and then tells you a month later he still hasn;t shipped yet, no way you can trust him.
  14. csu87, you did the right thing posting this. And I'm sure others will appreciate your post. Others have made these sort of post's before, and most are appreciated for face value. Ahmed seems to have a comprehension issue . Instead of jumping down your throat, he should be thanking you for the heads up.
  15. Well that sucks man. Sounds like he had buyers remorse. Good to see you post up the full details. In the long run I think bassman will be disappointed when nobody wants to ever sell to him. Hope you sent the video to paypal, maybe he will lose his account .
  16. Go the XS site, punch in information and it will tell you what you need.
  17. One thing you need to consider is, you are running around 5k in your amps. I would start by upgrading battery under the hood and adding a another battery in the rear.
  18. First and foremost, i would contact Skar with both your questions. Then go from there.
  19. Things happen sometimes that cant be avoided, no matter how good the company or product, their will eventually be a mistake that slips through. However i would be pissed about having to pay return shipping for a defective product. Myelf and i'm sure other's have gotten a bad product at one time or another, but i have never had to pay for return shipping fees. I would think if you conyact Sundown they would reimburse you, or at least i would hope the would do the right thing.
  20. That's the picture we needed. I would say it's a ground, but use a DMM to double check. And yes if it;s a ground use it.
  21. yeah, could be. hard to tell from this angle. Yeah, your right hard to tell, i only said power because i only see one stud.
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